I'm sure Death Knights must be seething

Sounds like a class issue.

There’s a reason Prot are preferred. Especially in M+ where every second counts.

A Blood DK will never clear faster than a good Prot.

It means little in terms of why they are or are not the top tank.

Warrior tanks clear faster because they can soak up more damage and do more damage than most other tanks.

They don’t actually pick up mobs easier than all of the other tanks. DK and Paladin both pick up mobs a lot easier than Warrior does by far.

Tankier, yeah, wraps up into point 1, because of tuning and design.

Situationals… you’d need to specify what you actually mean by this. Utilities? Eh, in some ways yes, in some ways no.

“Risk and slowness”, a sentence spoken by somebody who has no idea what DK mobility is like right now. Do you even play a DK? Or a tank for that matter?


So why was Blood preferred in S3/S4 of SL, again? Or DH/Bear in S1?

Warrior is not always top. They got the long stick of tuning this time.

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That’s cute.

Yet a Prot will clear Raids, Dungeons, and M+ much faster than a DK and are the most represented Tank for a reason.

Not having a gap closer does affect clear speeds.

And saying Death’s Advance is just as good as a Charge or Leap at pulling? You can’t be serious.

No, it’s 100% a player issue as they’re ignoring the facts of what the capabilities of the tank are. I mean, they always have the choice to nope out of the run and wait for a more preferred tank., But if they choose to stay they need to accept the tank’s capabilities.

Doing more damage and being able to tank more mobs due to damage and defensive tuning means vastly more than having a gap closer.

I mean, DKs are a lot harder to stop from moving. They have incredible anti-forced movement tools and area control.

No, it’s a class issue. Every Tank should have a gap closer that’s not hot garbage.

Death’s Advance is better used for ignoring mechanics since as a gap closer it just doesn’t compare.

I know this which is why I said even with their leap it probably still puts them last in the mobility department. I don’t consider mobility strictly getting from point A to point B but rather how also it allows them to get or even stay in a place of their choosing.

VOTI is a perfect example. I literally do not have care about several bosses worth of mechanics simply because DA alone lets me say “naw, you guys have fun doing that”. I can take an entire extra 4th and 5th smash from windy girl, I can literally stay in 1 spot on Raz (minus moving for stack and side platform mechanics), I can face tank spider chick and never have to deal with her push or pull mechanics. Sure I’d love more speed in mythic+ but it isn’t that impactful since I got tools to make mobs come to me every bit as much as I have ways to get to them…and often I would much rather make that mob come to me.

So horray for paladins. I have one (I have almost 50 level 60+ toons) and I still consider them the worst of the tanks in the mobility department. Prior to double DA and wraith walk being available to DKs, I would’ve said they were about tied but now this specific dunce cap is clearly on the holy bois and gurls heads.

Tell me you don’t know understand how to tank without telling me you don’t understand how to tank.

DK’s have absolutely no problems beating DPS to packs.

It’s a movement speed increase, though. It becomes damn near Sprint levels of movement speed increase when you take Forced March or whatever it’s called.

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And a Gap Closer leads to faster clears on top of those things. A very big thing for M+ where every second matters.

I never said it was just a good.
I said it was sufficient enough when needed.
Stop trolling.
Youre crying about something that isnt an issue.
The main issue with blood dk is their single target threat management and damage, which they are buffing in 10.7.
I dont know what youre thinking timing M+ keys is like, but youre not just running and dashing around constantly. Especially on fortitude week. Nor do you need constant movespeed to begin with anyways.
Youve never done a high key and it shows.

Name me one M+ dungeon right now where you are in a disadvantage not having charge.

Ah, look at that. Personal attacks. Try again, Druid who has a Charge.

Maybe they should… but that doesn’t mean players can just play how they want simply because other tanks can do something. Give your head a shake.

Have you ever pugged M+ or Raids?

DPS will always do what they want.

Jesus, you really do believe this drivel you’re spewing.

Having a Charge button means vastly less than both doing more damage than other tanks AND taking less damage than other tanks.

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Wraith walk is easily the worst movement ability in the game, especially now that you can get double DA.

Casting something only to have it cancel wraith walk is the icing on the cake.

Because I’m right.

Go look at clear speeds. DK isn’t close to the records.

Changes to gap closers/openers have virtually always been made with regard to PvP.

Not a personal attack. Just an observation. Just showing that you do not understand how to time things and be at the appropriate places on time.

I’ll help you out with this one: You don’t have to sit at trash packs until the very last mob is dead. You can move ahead of the group…crazy concept, I know. You should give it a try some time