If somebody’s dying because the tank isn’t getting to the boss as the fight starts, regardless of what tank it is, then that tank is playing incorrectly. This doesn’t have much to do with the actual class the tank is.
Unless you’re a DH/Warrior/etc DPS gap-closing 2s before the timer goes off, in which case… sounds like a you problem.
DKs have at least 2 pulls with death grip, and another with gorefiends grasp, not to mention deaths advance and wraith walk. Paladins had one ability…our horse. Actually kinda glad we are getting a leap, I can play this guy again
I agree. I never once said they did. We are 100% on the same page here.
But that also doesn’t mean that the mobility they DO have can’t get the job done.
You’re not though.
Have you ever played with a DK tank that couldn’t pick up the adds in these fights? If you have then you’re just playing with bad players, because DK’s can do that job just fine.
What are you talking about. If a DPS is pulling the boss that isn’t on the tank. That is the DPS being dumb. Their job is not to pull. They are to pew pew and do mechanics.
Have never seen these scenarios youre talking about.
Let’s reread what I said.
What you thought I said: “tank bad”
What I actually said, condensed into one thought: “If the tank isn’t getting to the boss in time to not have autos going at random people who aren’t rushing, the tank is at fault. If people are blitzing the boss before the tank even has a chance to get in because they gunned the timer, that’s on them, not the tank.”
So lack of gap closer hasnt hurt speed? Cuz it’s telling how the top M+ keys and Raid clears have DK trailing behind other classes save the bear and trying to compete with the Monk.
Prot Warrior, one of the tankiest and mobile tanks, is King for a reason.
Paladins more than deserve this. In fact, I don’t even think it is enough. I’d still take DA over horsey and their leap.
Yeah, no, except that’s not because of charge and leap, sorry. If that were the case it would always be the best tank.
The reasons it’s currently best relate to breadth of toolkit and tuning. Not because it can gap-close better than somebody else.
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Which has literally nothing to do with mobility, which is your primary argument.
Prot warrior does the highest of DPS of any tank.
You have no idea what youre talking about.
The Horsie is inferior to DA. That’s why they’re getting a Leap as they were slower than DKs. Now they aren’t.
I figured he was just troll posting but this seems more likely.
Remove their Charge and such then give them just a 30% movement speed ability and come back at me. Course you know what would happen if that happened.
If you think Charge as an ability is why Warrior is considered the general best M+ tank right now, I’ve got a bridge to sell you.
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You’re naive if you don’t think it’s an advantage over DK that stacks with their other advantages.
Warrior tanks clear faster, pick up mobs easier, are tankier, better situationals, and can push out more damage without the risk and slowness of a DK.
Anyone can see this.
Fair enough did just read your fist sentence and go “WTF are they talking about”
Facts, duh. Try reading it as so far not ine naysayer here has proven Blood DK can compare to Prot Warriors at anything.
Warriors are liked just for their charge champ. They have the most forgiving rotation and mastery, and the most amount of mitigation CDs
But… if their tank doesn’t have a gap closer… why would they playing like the tank has a gap closer? …
You’re only making yourself look misinformed man, and as if youve never done a key higher than 15+. Please just stop man. With deaths advance, you have sufficient enough mobility in M+. They are just as capable timing keys as other classes and it has nothing to do with mobility. Prot warrior is popular for M+ simply due to their damage and how much damage they mitigate on themselves. They also have shockwave. Just they have alot of tools in their kit to make them more desirable.