I'm stupid, please help GM's

I accidently turned in my ilvl 213 Mystic Anima Spherule for the wrong staff, accidently took the feral one instead of the moonkin one cause i’m stupid… Can any GM’s who see this please take a look at my ticket and help me out… It’d be much appreciated!!

You’ll need to put in a ticket for a GM to take a look. There are no GMs on the forums. I’m not too sure if this is something that a GM can fix for you, but you’re welcome to ask.

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Those should have the same refund mechanics as other purchases made with alternate currency, Dinokinz. Did you do something to remove that refund timer before realizing the error? Or has it been over 2 hours?

I’m afraid Customer Support is not able to refund or exchange those kinds of purchases.


the two hour timer must have ran out because I sold the staff back to the vendor I bought it from and he just gave me gold for it so I bought it back from him… That’s so stupid… I worked hard all week to be able to get that anima token and now I’m screwed… Well, I know what I won’t be resubbing to when my time expires. =/

I’m sorry, Dinokinz, we try to put what protections we can to either prevent or help someone correct a mistake they’ve made.

I’m sorry that this mistake and what amounts to a temporary issue, means that you no longer wish to play. I wish you well in wherever your gaming takes you.


They become non-refundable as soon as you equip them now. so no using for an hour and refunding

So you’re going to quit over a mistake you made, right. Not everything comes with a safety net, but perhaps you will find that mythical game that will cater to absolutely every whim, wham and mistake. All the best wherever your gaming will take you, but silly ultimatums over an issue of your own making - be sure no one here will be clinging to your hand and begging you not to leave.


This forum is more for information, not assistance. Vrak is not a GM, but a moderator for the forum. He can pass on what ever information he has to us.

He also is not a developer, which means he can’t address the issue that was pointed out, though it appears to be on the development teams radar.


That’s not what he said. You seem to be doing a fair amount of projecting here. I’d recommend not applying your own tone to what someone else wrote.

I wish people luck in their future gaming all the time. If someone isn’t happy with WoW, that’s totally okay! People shouldn’t pay for a game they don’t like and they should be wished well in whatever game they choose to play.


Link to where Vrak said he knows he’s patronizing the OP? No? Just more projecting and ultimately, trolling huh.

Best of luck to you Mord.


No, I wasn’t, Mordkher. I won’t say I wasn’t a little surprised by the reaction, but if someone feels that this isn’t the game for them anymore I can absolutely respect that.

My “I wish you well in wherever your gaming takes you” is genuine, I use it now and then when someone claims they don’t want to play WoW anymore. In this case it simply means, “I’m sorry you feel it necessary to quit but I do hope you find a game that suits you”. It wasn’t “can I haz ur stuffs” it wasn’t “good luck with your next game bro…”.

The only thing you know in this case, is that you interpreted it as sarcasm, which says more about you than me. Given the inclination to insult and belittle you’ve shown in this thread, it isn’t a wonder.