I'm stuck on Tyrande's bizarre, vague line to Calia in the SL entry quest at the Frozen Throne

Allready had that.
Just intercontinetnal catapults instead of head explosion.

But the rest … the same.

I’m stuck on Tyrande’s bizarre accent. No other Night Elf or Highborne sounds like her, yet she grew up with Mal and Illy right? Every time she speaks it makes her seem “special” if you catch my drift.

I love her accent.
I think the voice actress does her perfectly well.
She sounds extremely matronly and battle hardened.

Still get shivers when I hear her chanting on the night warrior quest, or when she screems “Not till it is written with the banshees blood”

I think Dave Kosak said it was his idea way back when it first showed up.

Pretty sure it’s her wc3 va but aged.

Was Void even much of a thing back then apart from Voidwalkers and the like? I thought death and void magic were both just called “shadow.”

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There are some interesting stories that are touched by the character, but in BfA her depiction was rather horrible. IMO the main problem of the story is not so much about the story, but about the presentation, translation into the game.

That is a big thing in the story. Because the light is a known way for undead to restore their senses and emotions to become more like who they were before becoming undead.

From Ask CDev 2

Record of undead emoting positive emotions are rare, though there are reports, however, that some Forsaken have slowly experienced a sharpening of their dulled senses of touch, smell, etc., as well as an increase in the flashes of positive emotions that have otherwise become so rare since their fall into undeath, when influenced by the Holy Light. The drawback however, is that they also become disgusted with themselves and are likely to increase attempts at their own self-destruction; for regaining these senses would force the undead to smell their own rotting flesh, taste the decay in their mouths and throats, and even feel the maggots burrowing within their bodies

So, for some undead that is a great news. And for some - could be a horror story.

Nah, if the devs move her to the alliance - problem solved :joy:.

IMO it sounds like “do not tell me about peace”. I’ve heard night elves did not sign the peace treaty. Adds up.

What are her interests as you see it?

gl hf

Look back to Tyrande’s history starting with Reign of Chaos. She’s a high strung emotional woman who at times embodies the worst of Night Elf prejudices.

In her mind if you are undead you’re either Forsaken or Scourge. You’re making the mistake of assuming that because she’s the Big Big Shot of the Night Elves that she has the same kind of expansive view the player has that she has the entire history in perspective. She doesn’t.

She’s showing one of the major downsides of being a mortal creature that had been made immortal… she’s had 10,000 plus years to harden her parochial views. She couldn’t accept the Nightborne because of the old grudges she wasn’t willing to let go of and move beyond. She sabotaged the effort to reconcile with the Blood Elves for the same reason. She let Maiev’s Wardens get so distant from her that she had to kill them to free Illidan. In certain ways, she’s a worse leader than Azshara.

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Yet somehow she was fine with allowing mages back into Night Elf society … ?

Remember it was Malfurion that made that ban, not Tyrande. At some point when you realize that you are surrounded with magic-using enemies, even Tyrande can recognise the stupidity of not using what you have a talent for.


This is entirely possible, but the in-story motivation for Calia being at the meeting at Icecrown is her connection to Arthas. Lilian is the Forsaken leader at the moment, Calia doesn’t have any actual authority.

That said, if Calia is going to have a big role with the Forsaken going forward, than she does need to reckon with her entire family’s legacy, not just her father’s. She needs to at least familiarize herself with just how much of a monster her younger brother became, and since she wasn’t present for the events of Wrath, that means visiting Northrend. However awkward it is, I’d rather Blizzard show her at least trying to understand the Forsaken and what Arthas did rather than have her just show up and take over without any development. If she is going to stay with the Forsaken I’d rather keep her in an advisory role and bring back some version of the Desolate Council to govern the Forsaken, but that’s just my preference.

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After talking with Scryll,

It's the second time she goes to speak with Tyrande and is rebuffed (the first being the recent book). They may have multiple story strings tied to Calia, Golden does love to use her pets, but this one is that IMO Calia is going to play a pivotal role in "saving" Tyrande from herself and the inevitable death facing the Night Warrior. Calia is going to talk Tyrande down from her thirst for vengeance when it would otherwise doom Tyrande. This will be the turning point for securing the night elven commitment to the new peace, to letting go the need for further action against the still-playable Forsaken faction, and will likely be the excuse to have the local Horde leadership elevate Calia by acclamation to the position of Forsaken racial leader.

Its the Anduin message, but with another character since he’s currently experiencing Sylvanas’ private basement. Its also why all the major peaceniks (besides Tyrande) have major roles in Shadowlands. This is a new kinder, gentler Horde…

…Until its time for Faction war 5.0 Electric bagaloo!!!

Baine unhinges his jaw during the peace banquet, swallowing the entire Council of Three Hammers whole and gaining all of their powers.


I don’t know? We haven’t really been given enough to go on in that regard, except for the vague and troubling idea of her ‘helping’ and ‘advising’ the undead.

The reason I would be keen for her to have a confrontation with Anduin and choose to represent Forsaken interests over his would be precisely to demonstrate that she is interested in standing up for the Forsaken on the Forsaken’s terms, hence something like not officially ceding Stromgarde.

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But she is forsaken and no amount of forsaken players crying will change that

I looked around a bit. Here is what I found.

Article about Before the Storm states:

she wanted to take sides for them and lead them on their way to real freedom and back to their loved ones

she decides to stay with Alonsus Faol to learn more about the undead and their connection with the light

From pre-patch:

I thought to be a bridge between the living and the undead. My first attempt ended in sorrow. But I have not given up hope, Lady Sanguinar.

We have the alliance using Lordaeron emblem:


We have Anduin accepting the idea of undead.

Unless my memory deceives me, even Turalyon was ok with the idea of the gathering.

Tyrande was kind of tolerant, at least when it comes to Sira Moonwarden.

Overall theme of the alliance seems to be lately, to accept one’s past. Return of Alleria and Turalyon, night elves accepting highborne, uniting of the dwarf clans, reunion of draenei with army of the light. Extra ex-alliance members seems to me like something fitting the theme.

But it could all be my imagination.

[edit: but this old idea does not seem that far fetched anymore]

There are plenty of forsaken who were not explicitly associated with the horde, from the day of Argent Dawn, till this recent Alonsus Faol.

gl hf

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yeah but she is forsaken

I am aware of those examples, I just don’t think they add up to a coherent set of interests with regards to how she would act specifically as a/the Forsaken faction leader. Those statements are vague and almost entirely personalized - her ‘politics’ insofar as WoW lets characters have any are remarkably sparse.

If it’s working up to Alliance lightbound undead then so be it, but what interests me (as a curiosity, not as a first pick) is the concept of Calia as a Forsaken leader character and to that end I don’t believe she has clearly enunciated any particular alignment with their interests, and would like to see her do so. Those interests would be things like ‘retake lordaeron’ and ‘secure a future for the Forsaken as a people’. Reuniting families is a nice idea but not exactly a national project.

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If there would be no factions, I can easily imagine rebuilding some kind of new Lordaeron, with the upper level inhabited by the living, and the Undecity section being made to meet the needs of the forsaken. She could be a fitting figure in such situation.

But the faction division is here to stay. I am not sure how would she act during a conflict. Both, when it comes to facing Anduin as the opponent, and when it comes to witnessing how the forsaken fight against the living. Especially if that would be lordaeronians on both sides.

I skipped a few expansion, so I am not sure if I should expect from WoW a nuanced story…

gl hf

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I’m starting to imagine Tyrande will kill Calia in a fit of rage.

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