I'm Staying With WoW

10 char.


Yup I agree with you, Ill Stay with WOW to, but I do share more of my time/money with Ultima Online & Mechwarrior Online since Shadowlands was released, probably stay that way until next expansion then we will see. But hey folks play what yah want, its ok to play more then one mmo.

Yes, the resident FF14 advertiser doesn’t think so. Quelle surprise!

Who here literally thought actually was spelt, “ackshully” LMAO. Lol. Really lol?

The wow shill thinks wows amazing so suprised.


dang look at all these delusional players thinking wow is amazing, without flaw and perfect in every way especially w/ their storytelling


Your motivations are very transparent. Secondly, I don’t mind being called a shill, you can call me whatever you want. FF14 is a boring game, I’m not wasting any of my time with it.


Your motivations are very transparent. Secondly, I don’t mind being called a FFXIV advertiser, you can call me whatever you want. WoW is a boring game, I’m not wasting any of my time with it.


The troll who doesn’t post on his main is trolling - so surprised.

he never said you had to waste your time with ff14, he just said ‘wow wasn’t a million times better’ by saying wrong


10 char.

WoW is fun, far from the amazing game that it used to be, but it’s a chill game to have in the rotation.

lmfao. Rude.

But accurate.


the vast majority of the wow community is delusional and toxic as hell, not all of them just the vast majority


Think whatever you will but don’t count me in with these “delusional players.” WoW obviously has flaws and has changed drastically over the years. To each their own.

Slow tanks is why I learnt to do it myself.

It’s the video game equivalent of being stuck behind someone doing 40 in an 80 zone.

TBH I think people expecting WoW to be their only game anymore are setting themselves up for disappointment at the least and burnout the worst.

If WoW was my only game I’d have quit years ago. Hell, I basically didn’t even log on for the last month and a half of 9.0.

That I definitely do agree with.

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Oh, I know full well you’re not playing WoW and have zero intention to.

don’t worry I corrected myself in the next post, anyone who can see past sylvanus and their really bad attempt at a redemption arc by blizzard is ok by me

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We have the best copium.

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