Im starting to understand why nobody wants to help anyone

Now i understand what im about to say is a rare thing that happens.

but im standing around in dornogal filling out crafting orders on enchants as they pop up and someone whispers me asking for help on how to play frost mage. i play frost mage quiet a lot i agree to help.

now i get im only a 604 ilvl but iv been playin frost mage for a while now. i know how to play it. just in case i even pop open frost mage guides etc just to make sure im giving the correct information. que about 20-25 mins later they stop me and say “Nvm you dont have any high keys. information discarded” and ignore me.

why ask me for help if your not gonna check me out BEFORE asking me for help :expressionless: that was just insulting for no reason


I mean, yeah. There’s a reason very few people do charity work. I’d grab really low exp healers in SL, win 10-15 games in a row with them, lose 1 game, they’d flame/remove me and a few days later they’d tank down to where they were before I played with them.

A lot of people sort of force their own isolation.


i also just really dislike this whole “you dont push bleeding edge content therefore you cant know what your talking about” kinda crap that has become the norm in wow


Dude could have just looked up your character before wasting time lol.


Why would someone whisper a non-mage advice on how to play mage? That makes literally no sense.

I mean probably true tho. I also wouldn’t trust some 604 ilevel character’s advice either.

A good portion of WoW players are idiots, don’t let it get to you OP.


i am a mage what are you talking about


I’m an idiot and saw you were a dragon. I keep forgetting you can be both dragon and mage now.


i also dont think my ilvl should be an indication of “skill” ether


Lower ilvl = not doing higher content = not doing content where you’re forced to know what you’re doing.


I mean, I do.

Given the choice between a player who has played mage for 15 years but has 604 ilevel, or a player who has played mage for 1 tier and has completed high keystones or mythic raid content, I think I know which one I’m going to ask for advice.


Did they want you to stop doing crafting orders?

Just seems like a big distraction


so time and dedication to a class is not enough to warrent giving advice?


Information discarded. Gnome, ilvl 638 plays too much.


On one hand I can understand where they coming from, ppl can play a class for a decade pull less than 400k DPS


How could I possibly know that by looking at you though? You could tell me you have 2 decades of experience, but you could be lying. Or I could ask the guy who’s got the resume doing the hard content as that class where knowing what to do is required.

You might give me good advice, but it’s safer to pick someone with better gear and more high end content completed.

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i assure you i do much more than 400k dps lol

I’m sorry you experienced that, OP. They should have specified they were looking for advice on how to play for M+. But if they seriously cared, there is a ton of advice online. When someone whispers a player, it’s natural to assume the person whispering is new and needing general advice, not cutting-edge end-game advice.


The bar and goal post just keeps getting moved over and over on if you’re “qualified” enough for people. I stopped taking it seriously when they integrated IO into the actual client.

It’s like yeah, you aren’t good at the game now unless you’re top 0.1% of all the players. The fact that there’s even a title for that is silly to me.

I would just pick a Rogue and be like, okay, you think you’re good, duel me for 1 million gold then? I’ve yet to have anyone accept the offer, at least not a PVE lord. And I’m not even a top PVPer, I have zero titles and I will still put someone in their place in a duel.


i mean you can just go LOOK UP in the information using google and find out the same thing