I'm Starting To See Why People Think Legion > War Within

Are you purposely not reading?

Has any expansion launched as poorly designed as legion?

Not talking about bugs, like how WoD had the hiccup.

But how Legion was designed. How it was, imho, the worst expansion ever at launch

Let me try to put this another way:

Legion, with its flaws, still offered a ton more content to do with just class halls alone.

Looking at it from this perspective: I can get 12 different flavors of storylines from 12 different alts with Legion class hall campaigns.

With TWW or SL (or really anything after Legion), I get the same exact thing regardless of the alt.

BFA wasn’t a winner here either, but at least Alliance had a separate storyline.

If the content revolves around rerolling and alts, I dont count it as good content.

I dont play alts.

So not only did none of that matter. But it was also horrendously designed.

If its big bonus is “well…if you dont like having a main and actually progressing, seeing your character get stronger, and following a path of gear improvement…at least you can make an alt”

Its a crappy expansion

Legion righted itself by the end. But at launch and first half? No.

Arrogance, and doubling down on systems.

The main big mistake was ditching the artifact weapons.

The “RNG” legendaries were fine as they were after the bad luck RNG was fixed, but they could be better: instead of outright giving you the item, we should have won a token to exchange for a certain group of legendary items (choice between damage, utility, survivability at least).

It gave every activity a chance of being rewarding, which is something no other wow expansion had before or after Legion.

AS I always say, Legion was peak WoW and the hill I will die on is Legion Classic/Remix.

Bad parts for you. Those are the good parts of Legion for me.
Including AP and AK, and the “grinds”, which only mattered for Mythic raiders, really.

However I do realize that Legion was that amazing at the expense of WoD, which is why it’s unlikely that any other expansion will ever top that.

Gear (tier sets, trinkets) are borrowed power and no one complains because it’s binary (you either got it or don’t) instead of progressive, like AP-based unlocks.

What people dislike, sadly, is not “borrowed power”, it’s “horizontal progression”, which IMHO is great for the game, but the majority of the player base seemingly dislike its impermanence due to its non-binary nature.

Was easily the best thing out of SL. People hated the rewards and “being forced to do it”.

Very hard disagree. It was as close to perfection WoW got.

I can’t imagine playing this game for 20+ years without different classes.
I’d have quit looong ago.
Kudos to you and all single character players, but the recent alt focus tells me that the majority actually like class variety.

TWW is a good expansion, but not groundbreaking.
The best part of it is the alt QoL (FINALLY).
The second best part of TWW is Hallowfall, and it should expand on that Undersea vibe in later patches (we all knew goblins were gonna be the .1).

I wouldn’t say that TWW is great, it’s decent, and it’s better than Legion because I think Legion sucked wet, smelly, fermented crap from an overloaded septic tank through a big straw. I mean that in the nicest . . . No, no I don’t.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

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Perfection is an RNG legendary system with a 4 cap?

You realize that when Legion launched you were hampered in not only playing alts, but playing a different spec within the same class?

How is that perfection?

“Sorry, you made your alt 3-4 weeks late. It will forever be behind”

“sorry, you arent allowed to change specs”

AK and exponential gains/caps ensured that I wouldn’t be behind in AP levels for long.
I did not need to grind artifacts to play alt specs, they were perfectly playable without heavy progression.

I enjoyed progressing at cap with something other than gear, and I always focused on one spec per class throughout my whole WoW career, with the other specs just being a “for fun” endeavor, so nothing lost there.

There is no game that can be perfect for everyone. Legion was as close to perfection as it gets… to me: The person who plays one character of each class, so I can enjoy 12+ flavors of gameplay (and the added class hall lore), who likes template-based PvP and loves horizontal progress and RNG gearing.

Suramar and how amazing it felt was just icing on the cake.

We also got World Quests and paragon chests there too, as well as the mini profession revamp, which gave it some spice without destroying it like the DF one.

The worst part of Legion was the heavy Illidan wank on the story and some retcons, as well as how some pretty important NPCs died.
Emerald Nightmare was kinda weak too. NGL.

Everything else was at least good.

And I say ALL that without even having played 7.3.5, since my PC at the time died right after the guild I was in back then downed N Argus.

On that note: ensure your electrical installation is properly grounded people. The escaping excess current was enough to burn through 2 of my GPUs before I realized it was there.

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That didnt exist at launch.

Once again. At launch you did have to.

I think people largely forget how artifacts, AK, etc was at launch. You did not have a quick catch up mechanic for AK. It was an intense grind to fill up your artifact. And being one week behind on AK was extremely noticeable.

We did have AK from launch.
Maybe I did not notice it much since I had so much lore to work on and only raided on the main.

The AK bonus at launch was completely different than what you had later in the expansion.

It was a slowly ramping AK that needed weekly input. An alt created 1 week behind would be forever behind. You did not quickly catch up. There was no catch up mechanic.

You had to grind out every spec’s artifact if you wanted to change specs.

The designs were so horrible they completely changed it later. They had to drastically change so many launch design decisions.

Well then, glad they corrected it in time.
Catch-up was added in 7.1.5, halfway through the expansion.

Like I said, it wasn’t perfect, just as close to perfection as it gets, to me.
It was fun enough to play all throughout, from the get go, and improving as it went on.

I also did not like the legendary cap and no BLP at all.

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I mean thats my entire point.

Legion righted itself. But if another expansion launched how badly Legion did today, there would be riots.

If TWW launched and any alt made was forever behind in player power, you couldnt really change specs, and legendaries (a large aspect of player power) were not only RNG but with a soft cap of only allowed to get 4 random ones…

People would (rightfully) want to burn the expansion to the ground.

And that is mine:

It was fun enough, despite its flaws.
There was way more good than bad.

Let’s agree to disagree then.

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I guess just quick question.

If midnight launches, and you cant really make alts, change specs, and RNG will greatly influence your player power…do you think people would be happy?

I dont even know what we are agreeing to disagree on. I said it got better. I said it improved.

I said that even if

I was happy with Legion, since the supporting systems, plot and novelty of it all were enough to offset all those flaws.

If midnight is like that, I’ll be all over it.

And the butchering of classes with Legion pruning.

The damage was done by legion pruning was only undone recently with DF expansion.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

Unlimited grind and terrible class design decisions. I always considered it the worst, but I quit early in because of what they did to my class.