I’m so tired of seeing the obsession with Legion.
The first half of the expansion sucked. You were basically bound to one spec due to the artifact power grind, and it was all anyone complained about for months.
Things didn’t start getting better until Tomb of Sargeras came out. The fourth raid…
Every expansion typically is rough for the first half, Legion was no different.
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Oh yeah, Legion wasn’t perfect by any stretch. Even I took a bit of a break or two during the first half of the expansion. That wasn’t necessarily because I thought it sucked, but I thought they were very heavy handed on the time gating. It was easier for me personally to just…wait it out. lol
Legion was the last expansion I took an extended break in. I left after the first month and didn’t come back until they fixed the AP grind.
I haven’t cancelled my subscription since then.
Exactly this, people only remember the part of legion where you weren’t bound by artifact power.
I remember trying to do the daily for escorting the little drug addicts in suramar on my priest and being unable to get anywhere near as far as my tank and DPS friends because only my holy artifact weapon was leveled.
Most world content was awful and so much of how classes were supposed to work was tied up in the artifact weapons. People grumble about how crafting mastery points work and it’s essentially the same system as artifact weapons.
I’m also not huge into the lore, so most of the class hall stuff felt like busy work to unlock stuff I needed to dungeon/raid.
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Although I adored MoP for a lot of reasons, most of which still make it #1 for me, Legion is a very close second. I had been saying long ago when class trainers stopped training that we needed some serious class vibes with quests etc, and they gave us that with Legion and class halls. I leveled one of every single class, something I know a lot of people did but that I hadn’t done prior to that, so I could experience all of the halls, and loved every minute.
I’d be so happy if we got class halls back again someday, although obviously now there would have to be some big changes since Dalaran is (currently) gone.
I’ve always enjoyed class and race specific questing and hope we get more in the future.
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Legion gave us the best class fantasy that we have had in a long time. I really wish class halls were not left to just rot.
Is the “This topic will close” thing new?
It is very distracting isn’t it!
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I’ll go even further. At this stage in the expansion cycle, WoD was better than TWW.
Legion was great for me becoz:
- it started Mythic Plus
- it started Dungeon Finder for Raid (not Raid Finder)
I was a hardcore Raider back in Vanilla from an Elite Guild. After a lot of sleepless nights, I gave up my guild and became guildless. In Wrath, PuG Raids were rampant through Gold DKP’s. After Wrath, Masterloot was taken away and Raiding without a Guild became impossible. I wasn’t able to Raid as guildless for several Expansions. Then Legion came. I was able to Raid again as PuG through its new Dungeon Finder. I was having a blast as I even got Mythic Raid Final Boss kill of Emerald Nightmare.
And I HATED Legion for making Survival Hunter specs a melee. I remember I went straight to the Forums on Legion’s Day 1… “Who asked Blizz that we Hunters wants to be Melee?”. It was the worst thing that ever happened to WoW.
Since then, I started bombing ridiculous/stupid ideas in the Forums so that the Mistake on Survival Hunter wont ever happen again. Pls don’t mess up my favorite game. Or you would deal with me. ROFL.
Came to say the reason Legion is better than TWW is Class Halls. It felt like you were actually accomplishing something. I did paladin, warrior, mage, and hunter class halls (and some rogue, though never completed), and I enjoyed all of them. The way the game loop is now is a recipe for immediate burnout. Do m+ → don’t get gear → do more m+ → don’t get gear → do more m+ → begin to question your life choices → do more m+…
Legion, the expansion that ruined specs like retribution or shadow, no, burn it, burn it with fire.
Which is ironic because Legion is guilty of the same crimes as Shadowlands. A lot of the shortcomings are even almost 1:1 with how bad they are.
Reminder! Just because the final patch of an expansion “fixes” the mistakes it has made all along the way doesn’t magically make it a “good” expansion!
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Legion did not have covenants, soulbinds, all zones disjointed, or very long content droughts. Those were arguably the worst parts of SL.
Legion was honestly mid until the last patch saved it. Same thing happened with BFA. Rental systems really sunk legion, BFA and systemlands in the long run.
Last great expansion was MoP.

Legion was better than all expansions after it , but War within really isn’t that bad and comes close.
Actually, you’re wrong! These things were very much present, just in different forms.
Soulbinds/Covenants were present in the form of Artifact Power sinks + being unique to the weapon and NOT shared.
Lackluster content might as well be a content drought.
Also, worst part about SL? Most if not all people complain about was Torghast and the story retconning.
Sure SL might’ve done questionable things narratively but Legion also mishandeled MAJOR characters that have been part of the lore for years. Tossing them aside like fodder.
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Artifacts, while crappy, did not block you from 3/4 of the cosmetics in the expansion.
Blizzard should have never gotten rid of class halls. It should have been add in every expansion.
Legion has a legendary storyline to it. I loved the Legion Artifacts, the Class Halls, and stuff like that. TWW is fun but there is very little outside of ilevel grind now
Are you being purposely disingenuous or?
You were most definitely “gated” from certain Artifact appearances if you didnt dump AP into thrm to use for certain content.