TWW is a great expansion. No doubt about it.
But playing through alts to get all the class hall campaigns done in Legion feels much, much more immersive. Sure, there are shared/common components throughout the halls, but the class immersion is undeniable and it just feels a lot more in-depth than what we currently have.
I guess what I’m saying is: we need class halls 2.0 to help make WoW feel super-immersive in new xpacs.
Oh and no Legiondaires please. The hidden cap and RNG behind those was no bueno. Just bring more class immersion please.
Right i agree Legion was one of the best expansions great lore and everything.
You’ll want to edit your post and move it to the General Discussion forum to be seen by anyone that can meet such feedback.
Customer Support has no jurisdiction over the game itself.
Bear in mind they already announced housing coming in Midnight for more of a more intimate shared world.
It had faults (too much RNG), but yeah the content itself was great. BFA was set up for failure since the bar was so high.
Who told you that GD is the place they take feedback? This is the rubbish bin of the forums. 
Legion was s tier.
Tww is not even on the tier list.
All we got was rock people (clones of dwarfs.)
Nothing since legion is remotely close in visuals, storyline, lore, soundtrack, raid content, rp, voice acting - not knocking the talent of current stuff, referring to the writing, the voices were light years better due to superior writing, making the roles superior.
I still cannot understand how they hit such a high and sh*t the bed so bad immediately thereafter
BFA was a failure because of the crap writing and terrible leadership/creative teams. It irrevocably destroyed the strongest lore rich (and canon) character who carried the franchise for decades for what? Nobody knows.
But my argument is BFA was a failure because it was a failure creation, Legion didn’t kill it. It killed itself.
every expansion past and including Legion has ranged from terrible to mediocre. none could be qualified to be called “great” by any stretch of the imagination.
it had awful lore for anyone who played wc2 or 3. completely re retconned the entire lore of those games and acted like they almost never happened.
Class Halls were cool.
But Legion doubled down HARD on class-specific content and IMO it hurt it in the long run. The patch with the Mage Tower was HORRENDOUS for people who stuck to 1 main. The non-class questing was “Kill 10 imps” - Wait a week - “Break 4 beacons” - Wait a week - for like 8 weeks. Almost literally.
Cs where it started is the one place feedback isnt collected.
legion was my first xpac and no xpac has come close since
Legion was the last great expansion
It was not perfect.
Still better than what has come after
Well, I would make the claim that BfA, yes, BFA is better than War Within.
The final nail in the coffin is if MM Hunters get their pet taken away.
Legion was fantastic but I think people gloss over the bad parts far too much. Titanforging, spec-based progression and RNGendaries in particular. And it was the start of a very long dalliance with the extremes of borrowed power.
TWW isn’t perfect, but it at least innovated by coming up with a meaningful single-player endgame pillar, especially after the recent rune changes. I’ll take runes over titanforging any day.
“This topic will close 2 months after the last reply”.
Does anybody… does anybody else see this…?
I’m waiting for Legion Classic for this reason. Wasn’t around for Legion but dabbled in it and started class halls on a few alts. I want the immersive experience.
yeah i wonder if a mod has a bias against warthinator