I'm Starting To See Why People Think Legion > War Within

Legion is great and the class halls are great too, but at this time during Legion it was not great. The artifact weapon grind sucked and the legendary grind was crappy, too.

They fixed this by the end of the expansion and now if you go back and play it’s really good without all those issues. It’s too bad the grinds kinda ruined when it was relevant.

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Threads in CS have very recently had this note at the end, so I am guessing it’s because this was originally posted in CS?

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Feedback is not collected anywhere on the official Blizzard forums.

THats a lie just because u dont see a blue post doesnt mean its not read and passed along if they didnt listen to feedback flying wouldve been nixed in WOD like they originaly planned.

No it’s not. Saying they collect feedback from GD, or anywhere else on these forums, is the biggest lie you can tell here. But don’t let me stop you— by all means keep spreading false hope.

Yeah that’s what I thought.

Starting to?
Was it not apparent immediately?

There was soo much depth to Legion in every way.

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Bullies never prosper you call me what you want but at the end of the day yor race for knowledge and understanding how the forums you you have lost the race.

May karma give you the day you deserve.

it was fun…

what does fun mean ion ?

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I hope it means that whatever was preventing that from actually happening has been addressed, and that necros of five year old threads will no longer be possible.

I swear, if you’ve played this game for decades+ like I have, it’s very noticible the quality in WoW expansions has simply gone down.

The amount of dungeons/raids, the quality therein, has just shrank. Especially from the earliest WoW expansions, that were longer.

Faster expansions now, with less content inside them. And the content doesn’t feel as impactful, because it’s so short.

The only parts of WoW they don’t skimp out on is the art, music, and general atmosphere.

The lore, while not the worst it’s been, is still not ‘too great’. (Earthen unlock scenario was… it felt unfinished lol.)

It feels like they don’t even have a dedicated lore team.

Not sure why we have Bronze drakes handling the races on Isle of Dorn instead of Earthen Stormriders? And lots of small stuff, like that.

Legion, even with its retcons, was still better than TWW, in terms of the story/cinematics and how it handled the Legion.

The Earthen storyline, put next to the Suramar/Nightborn story, is just incomparable in a pretty bad way.

Anyone that dislikes Legion but says they love TWW, well, you’re just gonna get funny looks from me lol.


Legion … the best part for me was Suramar. The place was lots of fun with good world building. A pity the lore is just a repeat of the Blood Elves’ story.

I think it was also the expansion that introduced the “world soul” or whatever that spoke to you. I rolled my eyes hard. FFXIV had the Hydaelyn the Mother Crystal so WoW aped it …


I really enjoyed the class halls, even if they all fell apart after that (faction conflict). Some of them made more sense than others, but overall it was a lot of cool content for lore buffs like myself. Every new alt could see a new story!

I disagree on both counts. I think TWW has some good lore, and many of my favorite dungeons are from last two expansion (Algeth’ar Achademy, Azure Vault, Dawnbreaker…).

If I were to make a list of what made the game felt less immersive the forced locations of the in game classes that are umbrella terms to not confuse the player on what he or she was picking up to play when making a character but in game lore are massively different at times would be rather high on the list for me.

Expac Rankings best to worst

I like that you aren’t all rose-colored glasses, which I think a lot of players are in forums. It’s hard to compare lists, because we don’t all use the same criteria (I probably rank art, music, and story above most players).

At first glance, I would probably rank BFA higher than you have it. I love the music in Boralus. I actually worked on an old sailing ship for a brief period in my life, and walking around Boralus I can smell the salt air. I liked all of the BFA zones, especially Drustvar and Stormsong Valley. I thought Dazar’alor was a great raid, and Freehold was a fun dungeon.

OH! And the Saurfang cinematics! Some of my all-time favorite cinematics in the history of WoW.
And JAINA’s arc! Jaina: Warbringers!


BFA zones and music still have to be one of the best in the game. Its about the same ranking as wod, but I could not put it higher than MoP

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The way Classic WoW and Legion are basically the only two versions with class immersion as you call it shows how incompetent Blizzard has been.

Legion didn´t work without titanforging, AP and RnG legendaries. A lot of content creators like Preach pointed it out at the time.

Ppl forget that M+ was new, and thanks to titanforging it was incredibly popular back then. Even casual guilds would run the content a lot.

If you had Ion´s modern M+ touch all over M+, which means 2 item drops every run and a boring deterministic loot system it would have been a disastrous launch. Not to mention the massive difficult increase from 1) harder dungeons 2) every class being harder to play 3) squish which makes the first dungeons impossible for terrible players 4) No borrowed power to softnerf dungeons over time.

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Username checks out