I'm sorry, but it's time to buff Fury Warriors

Fury is… Fine. Ish. But the state of Arms is absolutely horrendous. ICC bis Arms with Shadowmourne is barely tank tier based on current sims. It’s worse than Blood DK in terms of DPS already in phase 2 gear.
Not to mention how absurdly bad Prot warriors are compared to the other tanks as well.

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Well, arms is your abandoned spec for PvE balance because people primarily use it in PvP, along with frost mages, BM hunters, and subtlety rogues.

Blizz basically got around making it viable by giving you another option for DPS.

Is that the best design? I don’t think so, but it was their balancing philosophy regarding the spec.

this part is pretty overblown though. Yes, prot warrior is under utilized, but it’s not like you have a handicap if you use one. Could it use a small buff? Sure, but it would also see more use if prot pal just lost their cheat death.


It’s amazing to see how all the druids on the forum suddenly adopted the paladin mentalities of the last 3 months with a “Omg stop crying about buffs already!”

It’s truly shocking, I wonder what is the reason behind it…

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People primarily use Discipline in PvP, Holy is still worse in PvE.


I’m honestly happy for them that adjustments were made to make the spec less convoluted to play well.

It was an over the top buff though for a spec with pretty damn good off-tanking capabilities and a slew of other cooldowns to be pushed to rogue levels of power. The spec needed to be easier to be played optimally, but optimal play did not need a DPS boost as it was pretty firmly in the pack already.

If that’s an acceptable place for ferals to be kept, by all means, buff fury. Ret being buffed from last to last wasn’t a great argument for fury to be buffed to a top DPS melee, but Feral being sent there is a much better argument.

(Although I still think fury is in an ok spot given the upcoming gear, so I’d rather them just pull back on the Feral buffs a bit)

They do, but blizz wasn’t trying to make Disc the PvP spec in the way that sub/arms/frost are pushed with PvP benefits.

Double standard? Sure, but that’s largely the reason why those DPS specs were not given any additional damage. They didn’t really apply it to priest as the only class with flexibility in healing.

It’s not?
Look, no offense, I’m a #SomeChanges advocate and am all for a buff to warrior, or a nerf to prot paladin, but warriors are legit annoying with their whining. Just look at the Fight Club discord, the moment feral changes were announced, they immediately changed their channel names and make themselves look like nothing more than whiny babies.

If you’re gonna QQ at least don’t pretend like you’re not.

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Its fun to bully warriors so lets nerf them instead

Every right to QQ


QQ all you want, just don’t pretend like you’re not.

People are sick of this type of warriors, they’ve been top dog for 2 expansions and ridiculed others for asking for something to be done to tone it down, the moment they’re not in the spotlight the hypocrisy is on full swing.

I for one will not be crying for those Warriors but I won’t deny the nice ones that they do need some help.


TBC and Vanilla are irrelevant to wrath balancing


Well too bloody bad. You’re going to get plenty more of it from me.

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It’s relevant for context, and I never said anything about it needing to affect how balance is done.
Read what I wrote, I’m in favor of a warrior buff.


What context?

Go read my first post to see what I’m talking about, I’m not gonna repeat myself because you want to ignore the conversation.

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It sounds like the only person who wants to ignore the conversation, is you. Pretty’d up with your idea that we’re “whining”.


warriors were not top dog for two expansions. They were top dog in vanilla classic then were okayish up until the end of TBC, assuming they had a set of legendary weapons…and only for one spec…

Class balance shouldn’t revolve around such a niche scaling factor when classes who also scale are getting buffed when they have multiple other S and A tier specs throughout the entire expansion.


Except for the fact that prot warrior was the equivalent of what prot paladin is in WotLK for TBC.
They were top damage for T6 and T6.5 as well as well above average in both T4 and T5 before even reaching their scaling.
And let’s not mention PvP as well.

Out of all the classes in TBC, warriors were the most well off.

I’d expect a better argument from someone with your decal honestly. I didn’t play warrior except for in WoTLK. Am I to be punished for other warriors in past expansions?


I’m talking about the QQ, not about whether warriors needs a buff or not, already said they need a buff.
Please read before twisting my words.

The question stands. Do I not have a right to complain because of past warriors in past expansions?

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