I'm sorry, but it's time to buff Fury Warriors

depending on how big your sample is, youre probably looking at parses where the raid is built around and caters to the warrior. They intentionally give them everything, from loot, to structuring the fight to maximize their damage on warcraft logs.

Things like rend and overpower is a tiny gain, generally 1-2%.

While it is crippled with bugs as well, warrior’s base damage is just bad. The -10% debuff from TG makes it so that your stat sheet MH and OH dps is generally quite a bit lower than something like a frost DK despite frost DK also having specials that hit way harder.

The only okay thing a warrior has going for it is 3-4 target cleave. Its really bad single target and really bad as you go beyond 4 targets.


Yeah that’s not true at all. Learn to read a basic graph.

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Yet the high end guilds didn’t do that. Wonder why…

Well tbh, parsing is the end game for competitive players. What’s the point of obtaining better gear if you don’t utilize said upgrades to try to perform better?

If you don’t, getting that gear is nothing more than just shiny pixels.

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Who cares? They only brought one. You need me to steer you on the right direction? I need to go from forum to forum to keep you from spewing illogical fallacies.

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A lot of high end guilds do splits and have fury warriors who are in bis or near bis and play at a very high level. They are not indicative of the majority of the playerbase. Even warriors in bis gear will get outdps’d by most classes on most fights. Beef bar’s most recent upload for example has a 241 ilvl fury warrior who was 18th on dps on ignis. He’s in full bis besides boots and still only beat 3 people (and barely) because he had to sunder and shatter.

Why did they bring him? Probably because he’s a good player, and already decked out. But being real, the feral did over 2k more dps on that fight, while bringing the same 5% crit buff on top of the bleed debuff, and also bringing battle rez and innervate. Realistically they could’ve dropped the fury warrior and just had the combat rogue expose, and brought an assassination rogue and killed the boss even faster. And on most fights, other classes and specs either:

A. Do more damage and take less damage
B. Bring more utility while doing more damage
C. All of the above


Except the data kind of contradicts this.

Fury is the 8th most brought spec


What specifically about that contradicts what I said?

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Cuz you’re making it seem as if the only warriors being brought are in those top guilds who are running splits.

Which is why you mentioned others provide the buffs but do more dps.

Which is still irrelevant as fury is brought which we have the data for.

Do you have have any sources on what you’re saying or are they all just opinions?

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I was responding specifically to what he said, which was about why high end guilds still bring fury warriors.

I never said what you’re implying, you’re reading what you want to read so you can make a stupid “gotcha” post, except it didn’t make any sense.

I never said people aren’t bringing fury warriors, I said that they can easily be replaced which will generally add more overall raid DPS, which is true outside of a couple specific fights that warriors excel at.

Do you have have any sources on what you’re saying or are they all just opinions?

You could try looking at some logs, what part of “looking at Beef Bar’s most recent upload” and proceeding to explain what was going on in said log was hard to understand?

I do think it’s hyperbole to say that people aren’t bringing warriors to raids because that’s clearly not true. But it’s not hyperbole to say that warriors have trash damage compared to other classes at similar item levels. Most of the logs you look at will have warriors either in middle of the pack with a higher ilvl than most of the raid, or being one of the worst dps with a similar ilvl. The only situations where warriors excel are on very specific fights and when they aren’t required to sunder, which is not realistic for the majority of warriors.

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Ret paladins werent complaining that they were low on dps (they still are) they were complaining that they were a good 15% below the next lowest class.

Now fury and ret are near the same

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Cite your data. I’d be interested to see it because I bet its metrics are based on at minimum one of a class being brought.

Not the classes in their actual raid percentage aggregated. If you’re bringing five warlocks to a 25 man raid and only one warrior every time, it stands to reason you’re going to have a lot of frustrated warriors sitting on the sidelines given the comparative class population of the two respectively.

Warrior spots are incredibly sought after and scarce.

It’s an objective detriment to any raid to bring more than one warrior.


factsthese are facts


but they do. I just looked at the world first ulduar guild and of their 3 runs, the one with a prot warrior in it has 0 dps warriors. The other runs have 1 warrior each. Earlier on some runs had 0 warriors at all.

Most guilds/groups have a guy they know that played warrior the last 2 expacs. They bring them for the loot drops (d/e) and the fact commanding shout can give about 1k more hp than an imp. Thats it. Their utility is terrible. Generally they end up being the sunder b itch so the rogues can parse better. Even on fast fights where realistically its more of a dps loss to have the warrior sunder haha.

Warriors are just bad man. Logs can be viewed for the last week at 99th, 90th, and 80th percentile. Warriors is at the bottom while bringing the least amount of utility of any class. There is to scaling to save warriors. They scaled in parallel from ilvl 213 to 240. From 240 to 264 there is no miracle to give them 30% more single target damage. You’ll need a Legendary that very few people will ever get to be middle upper of the pack. Yikes.

Ferals were about the same to warrior damage and scaling, but have brez and innervate, and they just got buffed to basically being tied to #1 and with future scaling to hard #1. Warriors need help, bad.

If you had to take a raid with 0 of one class, warrior is the optimal class to have 0 of right now.


They are exactly where blizzard wants.

They address this in their letter.


Here in case you missed all this. Warriors are exactly where they are intended to be


The problem is that apparently nobody on the classic team can use a sim or do math, and can’t tell that warriors are not going to magically scale past everyone in ICC despite that being common knowledge for months.

So what they want doesn’t matter because their reasoning is nonsensical, and they’ve spent plenty of time contradicting themselves anyway.


Why do you have to pass everyone? Why can’t you be middle of the pack?

Also where are these icc warrior sims in relation to every other specs sims? I’d love to see them all lined up

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No the warriors on the forums are nonsensical, you guys expect and demand to be S tier.

Why can’t you be B tier?

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Honestly no argument from me. Warrs shoiuld get a buff since feral and ret got one