I'm sorry Blizzard, but 8.2 is boring and disappointing so far

Yeah Isle of Quel’danas and Argent Tournament had time-gating and dailies because they have just been trying to bleed their subs dry for a decade now. :roll_eyes:


they got your sub, all that really matters. :slight_smile:


Assuming there is an 8.3, BfA will absolutely have as much or more content as those expansions.

As for gating…did you even remember ICC?

Every wing gated 2 weeks.

Limited attempts gate on every end wing boss gate.

Cant start heroic until you clear normal gate, but jokes on you because Arthas isnt available to fight until 2 months after ICC launches.

Wrath didnt even bother releasing new zones.

Used vanilla raid reskins.

Put the new raid AND dungeon in the same 1 room.

IoQ daily gating. Sunwell raid arbitrary boss release gating.


Fine by me. So long as they work on technical issues. Or classic.

Argus was better to navigate through than this maze of ish


Yes, but they were not even finished with it. I was not even in Ice Crown when it opened up. I was busy with other things. They also had other raid content that was out there. So, to say it was time gated, I do not know. I was busy doing other things at that time.

BTW - Blizzard did not ignore people and also responded that they were working on Icecrown to make it great. “Blizzard in BFA just ignored and then stated we are going to work on this for several months and then patch it in.”

What did Blizzard do with Nazjatar? Absolutely almost nothing. The art work team did more then the ones that come up with the quests, grinding, and so on. But art work will not keep everyone happy for long.


I’ve got nothing to add. You pretty much stated how I felt all day. So disappointing.


I think they brought back Metzen for Thrall’s story. So wish granted?

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Yep, just unsubbed today. I am forcing myself to play at this point. If my arena partner isn’t on I que random bgs which is a 15 minute que for the horde. Wqs are boring. The new zone is boring. No rewards. Nothing exciting. I’m over it. I guess I’ll go back to league.


Have to agree with the OP. The world quests are boring and the zone is ugly. Try again blizz.


I couldnt agree more with how the story is disappointing and the lore aspect. I agree with Nazjatar assessment. Why isn’t it a sprawling city like Suramar? I mean in comparrison, Suramar is bigger than Zin-Azshari? I do not understand. Am I missing something? Yes its Naga, but wheres the Daddies mommies and spawn-lings?

Why is there not a flight path in the middle of Nazjatar? Also why only one flight path in north part of Mechagon Island? By time I get to one side of island to kill a rare, IF someone else points out a spawn by time I get over on otherside its dead. Like thats really time-gating I see what you did there Blizz. Rely on LONG respawn timers and no flight zones. Make people grind hard and long. Was this how it was for timeless isle when it was LIVE?

I am at a point where IDGAF.


I read through this thread and I get the sense that some people thought that Nazjatar was going to be different from BfA.

It’s not. It was made probably over a year ago along with BfA and it’s essentially a sequel to Legion but the way they’ve done it, it’s Legion without class halls and a somewhat different story.

*Not sure about the story, I forgot what’s going on.

Anyway, the game’s always had a grind but I can’t recall the last time I was so uninterested in doing it and that may be what others are feeling too.

I think the next expac will be good. I hope so. Game needs it but I’m not sure because they laid off a bunch of employees, before that the old crew retired and now, the ones who’ve replaced them are probably tasked with making a game at less than necessary budget which would explain BfA and WoD also.


You affirmed what I was afraid of, because on the PvP side of things, it’s all borked. They were supposed to FIX what was broken but they’d only nerf a couple of class/specs, buff one, and tune some numbers down the line. It’s like they don’t care how screwed up ranged has it right now against melee, but if they legitimately do care, it’s too late to do anything about it right now.

Yeah, I don’t know if this bus has enough gas to even get us to Classic, but that’s what it’s looking like. We may have to walk some of the way.


All I can think is… THIS is Nazjatar? This is what I the Naga kept spouting about for all those years as I gave them the smackdown? This unimaginative husk of coral, rocks, and barely any buildings or remnants of the actual empire? Wth? THIS is what Blizzard came up with for Nazjatar? It doesn’t even feel like an ancient Naga empire beneath the sea, it feels like just a random part of the ocean where the water was parted. 100% Disappointed and honestly at a loss of hope.


Because it was a true grind, no short cut catchup gear, and no time gating. If you had the time, you could grind as long as you wanted.

Back during those grinds you brought up, and even through Wrath and maybe MoP, I had way more to do than I had time. Now they block you from progression, to mask the fact that they’ve destroyed progression. They have to meter out content bc they are so busy giving people welfare gear that they invalidate their content mid patch.


It’s an old game. I don’t know how different they can make quests at this point.

The zones are nifty, but we’ve done it all a million times.

I’m looking forward to classic which is an entirely different experience.


Exactly, people just want to remember what they want to remember, it’s better to lie about what you experienced than admiting this game has been grindy since it’s very start and was even more grindy and time gatey back then than it is now.


Totally right, and does it not bother you as well that we paid more for this expac than any other, yet have a tenth of the content if that?


I suppose I was right not to be excited, everyone was clamoring and wondering if I’d resub (sub runs out in 4 days) but I just assumed we’d get a small quest chain, unlock WQ along with the follower, and all of the ‘meat’ advertised would be behind a time gate and rep grind so there’d be no point to stick around at the beginning. Blizzard’s becoming quite predictable.

I might try mechagon because I heard it was different, but I just grew so bored so quickly. :disappointed_relieved:


Ah, someone asks the good question. I can explain this one.

While both represent a timesink one is fun to do and the other is not. It really boils down to the game not being fun. The fact you have to play it X amount of time to get Y reward isn’t relevant. The game is not fun to play.

Much of that comes down to boring classes. Think miles wide and 3 inches deep. That’s how classes feel right now. No depth at all. Look at other RPGs and see what they are doing. Deep, complex class development with meaningful (maybe not balanced) choices is the way to make classes. This version of WoW has significantly reduced the complexity of classes through MoP talents (which were a mistake), Legion/BFA gear (another mistake), splitting PvP and PvE talents (another mistake).

When they got done classes were in the most boring state they could be in.

Then you have issues like sharding. Where the dynamic elements of the world (other players) are abducted from the world before you have a chance to interact with them. So all that’s left is you and your boring class in a boring scripted world. And you’re expected to do this for X amount of time to get Y reward. It doesn’t feel worth playing because it’s not.