I'm really glad I farmed my epic mount in Phase 1

So that it could have armor and be cookie cutter like everyone else’s for the rest of the game

Who needs fun like unarmored mounts for the people who worked hard early to get them?


They entire point of leaving the unarmored epic mounts out, was to prevent people from rushing to 60 purely for a limited time only feature.

Great decision in my opinion.


You benefited from getting it early by having an advantage over the majority in PvP and in world objectives, and saving time traveling.

You don’t need to be more of a special snowflake than you already clearly are.


Fixed your post for you

Yeah great decision. As you can see nobody rushed to 60 lmfao

Also, because blizzard is all about that slow leveling life, we have Dire Maul set to release in about a week when most casuals are barely even 60 and haven’t even had a chance to set foot in MC let alone farm prebis without DM tainted loot in the game


Why do you care? Didn’t you already unsubscribe?


Could care less about the mounts, Dire Maul, the epeen flexing. I wish they’d take an objective look at some of the glaring issues on the bug tracker.


Oh hell with that. Give me my plain fast Kodo now!

So you’re saying 2 wrongs make a right? I’m sorry, your math is flawed…


If I may ask, how did you farm?

Classic is progression in terms of content and item drops, but for other things it’s not. That’s why we’re using 1.12 talents. If you’re going to be upset by one thing, be upset by it all.

I like no changes. Isn’t Blizzard all about special snowflake items?

Isn’t that the entire point of the cash shop?

Or is it simply just items that aren’t bought that are the problem

Yeah I might’ve stayed if I had a nice unarmored mount to be proud of

Another instance of blizzard shooting themselves in the foot

Oh FYI, since it’s patch 1.12 as the base, then it’s technically NOT a change. Show me anyone who got an unarmored mount during patch 1.12. I’ll wait while you go find someone.


There’s no math bud. There’s changes and then there’s no changes


Clearly not, as the reason you left was totally unrelated to the unarmored mounts, as you stated in your post.


There’s a lot more actually important changes that Blizzard have made than not having items that were no longer available by 1.12 obtainable in Classic.

No, unarmored mounts during patch 1.12 would be a change. Go back and read the patch notes.

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Flawless logic. So then BWL and Naxx and AQ40 and ZG and battlegrounds and Silithus quests and LHC quests and scourge events not being live is all a bug then

Jesus talk about a broken game

I literally laughed out loud. Where’s the Thunderfurys if this is 1.12

Nope. Patch 1.12 as a base with progressive dungeon/raid content.


So? You’re a broken forums troll. Guess you go together well…


Right except for things like items.

Mounts are items

Unarmored mounts were not patched out of the game in 1.12 they still existed


Oh I see. You want to have your cake and eat it too. “It’s a change! No Changes!” “Oh, it wasn’t a change? Then change it for me!”

All I hear from you is, “I rushed to get something blizzard said wouldn’t be in the game. Now I’m butthurt and want a cookie!”

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