I'm ready for a new MMO from Blizzard, without Activision

So the CEO and primary shareholder have no input to how a company is run? Glad to see you have not changed a bit.

Nope. They dont direct Blizzard game design and never have. Blizzard runs their own show and always have.

How do i know?

  1. Theres a Blue post by Bornakk…sorry…Ythisens…that states this for a fact


  1. Activision has an office in Sydney, I had occasion to talk to them on an unrelated matter and they said the same.

We have a long history of being polar opposites on this subject as well.

We have never discussed this matter at all, actually.

What you BELIEVE is not necessarily what is TRUE, Solaru. Like your continued comments we would never get Aussie servers because there werent enough of us to warrant it.

Actually you are also the one who said we should never get “appear offline” as “we didnt need it”.


And now this:

So, I will repost what was said.


Activision is just a publisher.

Blizzard develops and publishes their own games.


Activision-Blizzard is a stock holding company
Activision is an independent developer under that stock holding company
Blizzard is an independent developer under that sock holding company
King Games is an independent developer under that stock holding company
MLG is a Esports promoter under that stock holding company
Blizzard publishing (?) is an independent publishing company focused on movies, books, tv shows etc. under that holding company.

The end.

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