I'm Quitting The Game

Pugs have always been this way, though.

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This isn’t just exclusive to SL.

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When players are quitting because they can’t find a way to enjoy the game, you know the developers have failed.


It is in my experience.

But they haven’t always been this way. That’s what I’m saying.

Yes they have, each expansion theres always complaints about the requirements to join a pug run, with the answer being “run your own group with your own requirements”

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Did you read my post? These are responses we’re getting to trying to recruit for our guild normal team.

Yes I did, but I was responding to your post about pugs.

As for the post about your gear, they were more saying your raiders are bad, not saying they didn’t have enough gear.

The only “pug” in the context of my original content was that we are pugging extras and trying to recruit them because severs are so dead that there aren’t enough people locally. We’ve never, ever in 15 years had difficulty getting people to show up for normal raids. In fact the opposite we’ve usually had more people than we had practical room for. As a matter of fact, I’m currently leveling this toon on a full server in an attempt to find some people to bring into the community.

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I spent about 3 or 4 days there so I don’t even know what tier 6 means. I quickly figured out it was a waste of time.

Well maybe they just want a change. I mean, Im playing ESO casually at the moment and many people pan that game for various reasons. But its a change of pace, different play styles, different things to do. I can just spend an hour or three doing my professions writs, gathering some mats, doing some quests on alts, catching up on the daily Endeavours, exploring areas Ive not visited, working through the truly gigantic list of achievements (many of which reward you with dyes for your gear), making stuff to decorate my houses…and thats not even talking about instanced play or pvp. One thing ESO has is content, huge masses of it.

And its different content. Sometimes you just need different.


Maybe blizzard should stop designing WoW like it have to be a second job you do in your sparetime.


The korthia grind was horrible IMO and here’s why. There’s five daily quests and only sometimes do they reward what you need, and otherwise you have to run around looking for chests and trying to make it to rares before they’re killed. Just let me do the 5 quests and be done with it. Instead they inflated this grind beyond anything reasonable, fun, or bearable.

It also brought me to the brink of quitting. I used to play all the time and now I’m a raid logger…I just login for 6 hours per week for my raid and have no desire to play otherwise.


This is a self inflicted feeling.


Nah, the game is designed terribly.


Unironically blaming players for not forcing themselves on a lame boring daily grind… sure back then they were mop dailies… then evolved and now they are back to dailies somehow and yet players are still not having it.

They havent found anything better than world quests or dailies since… ever. It’s one of those things that are going to hurt the endgame hamster wheel in general always so long it stays like this…

They already overused world quests so much… legion was something new and creative now they are much much much worse than before.

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They honestly design it to be a full time job for streamers to play/advertise it.

Should work on your reading comprehension.


I doubt that, considering large streamers are against the current state of the game.

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or you could just do the stuff in the game you want - like you did on your strictly fun day. why the pressure to get tier 6 if you can have fun without it?


Yeah all these extra systems are irrelevant unless you are a super Min/Maxxer.

After swapping to my alt i really could not be bothered doing the grind all over again.

I am Tier 2 and about renown 60 with a 235 ilvl legendary in a dom slot.

We are still clearing mythic raid at 7/10M atm with no issues on meeting any healing/dps checks.

Some of my conduits are still 226 but at this point i just want to CE and unsub.

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