I'm playing Pokemon

Use Metalgraymon

Um, missingno?

I thought you wanted to have a real conversation and then you listed these…

Feel free to drop your team on me. Some of mine are sentimental picks.

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MetalGarurumon or riot.

Blastoise (Sentimental… even though the other two are better picks because water has a lot of strong pokemon in red/blue compared to fire/grass)
Golem (sentimental)
Alakazam (Best psyker)
Zapdos (I try not to use legendaries but zapdos is really the only serviceable electric pokemon in red/blue)
Pidgeot (gotta sacrifice a spot for fly)
And the last slot is between Gengar, Magmar, Snorlax or some duster


Articuno is pretty good in g1. Freeze hacks were a thing. Once frozen, they never thawed. Wiggles toes

Made it to Celadon city. I now have my last pokemon, vaporeon. Thanks for the suggestions y’all.

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pikachu is fine for a generic lightning type if you evolve it in gen 1 TBH. Unless your trying to build some kind of pvp competitive team anyway.

Mew is also one of the 2 ubers from R/B/Y. They are stupid flexible and kinda broken considering the stats and how easy it is to build as a sweeper. I remember using swords dance, body slam, earthquake, soft boiled personally. OHKOing gengars with EQ was satisfying to my significantly younger self.

They were only obtainable through events though so unless your cheating or using the glitch its kinda impossible to get your hands on them nowadays legitimately on the older games. I think the pokeball + gives you one though shrug

I got mine from glitching. You can’t get it legitimately any longer. Oh, a pity. Seems like some people hate pokemon.

I play Tsum Tsums on my phone. It’s fascinating how the same patterns of multiple currencies, limited time collectables and dailies are mirrored between it and WoW.



Hi cookie gnome! I love pokemon. Easy to learn, fun to master and no extension gimmicks.

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You know you can get two with that method, right? :slight_smile:

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Yes, but all I need was one. Besides, I don’t want to break the game. Not even doing the missingno glitch.

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Figured as much about obtaining it on early gens at this point. I mean gen 1 was released over 20 years ago now? I got mine during the event they did in 2000. The tour thing where they gave them all out had no line before I went home so I took advantage of that

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I don’t like even like abusing the glitch, but it was the only way to get a mew. To be fair, he is in my lineup, but he is just a hidden machine pokemon. Frees up the rest of my team.

I have shield and I breed the ones that sword does not have to make for people who play the opposite expansion happy. I will breed a couple of Valluby and name them Sylvanas just for fun. Take good care of Sylvanas. Surprise trade is supposed to be a surprise. :grinning:


I liked to use mew as a sweeper TBH. Mew has some of the best base stats in gen 1 other than mewtwo so using mew as a HM machine should feel dirty.

Ah…the memories!

My secret powerhouse was Clefable back in RBY days. With Bubblebeam, Psychic, Hyper Beam, and Sing…man that moon mon could crush it.

But I love Sword and Shield even with the limited roster. They really did the gym challenge right - especially when you can see the stadium on the TV. Inteleon is the best IMO with his nearly 100% crit rate Snipe Shot.

Back to Red though: don’t sleep on Venomoth and Tentacruel. Because Speed boosts crit and there’s only one Special stat, these two are far stronger in Gen 1. Tentacruel can be taught Ice Beam and Mega Drain alongside Surf for awesome coverage.

Slowbro is also scary since he learns Amnesia which essentially greatly boosts both Sp.At and Sp.Def. Quite potent that.

Glad you’re having fun!

Pokemon snap comes out soon as well.

Where Geodude?