Yeah, iirc they released fairly close together.
Vaporeon can learn blizzard right? I should check google. Need an anti dragon move.
I’ve been having a blast playing it.
Maybe when the other pokemon game drops, I may pick it up. Top hat wheezing just looks awesome. Might as well wait for a sale at this point
They can be taught via TM, it would seem.
Unfortunately I haven’t really seen any sales on Sword and Shield personally, but I have seen Lets Go on sale, so hopefully around the time the Diamond and Pearl remakes come out
Thanks, net is slow on my phone.
Venasaur is op. Or Persian.
Agreed, but Charizard is so cool. My first playthrough was with a squirtle in pokemon blue back in the 90’s.
I would go with Persian. One of my favorites. Or tentacruel/vaporeon.
I like tentacruel too. Poison pokemon however, were pretty weak in g1. Same with rock and bug types. I love golem
Yea that’s why I suggested Persion. I never played to be meta back then just casual. Persian and the high speed means he crits alot with slash. Ignoring defense boosters.
Trust me, I wanted a wheezing in my team just because I love its design. Bummed me out when I read a guide and found out it was bottom tier.
You can try playing the modern games. I think you can find people in different tiers of pokemon gameplay. I believe there are sites to find people to battle that way.
I loooove Pokemon
Snorlax and Vaporean are both adorable choices xD
Shiny Pinsir ftw though <3
I do. I have pokemon ultra moon in my 3ds. I use Muk because the rainbow color is wonderful. Just doing a playthrough of vanilla red. Wanted the community’s opinion of my last pokemon team member.
We needed a distraction from all the Blizzard pricing threads.
Lol @ the distraction. I am more pumped for the arceus legends game.
If you ever watched Pimpnite he does alot of sweeps with all sorts of pokemon. Should see his magikarp sweeps xD.
If I play sword or shield, I will have a wheezing in my team. Top hat pokemon are awesome in my book.
I personally like making theme teams. As I level. Stacking dark or poison type or something like that. Making my team weak against certain types and trying to win like that.
I loved SwSh but I must say the dex cuts were brutal and although they have made up a lot of the cut 'mons in the expansion passes, they still have left out some of my top favs (Zebstrika )
I heard about that. Part of me was waiting to see if the would release a deluxe edition. However, it seems they moved on towards dlc instead. Bummer, but understandable.
I am interested in that new one.