Im part of the problem

Lol. I guess the age of adulting goes up every generation. :stuck_out_tongue:

I gotcha :grin: I have to say, as a truly “old” person (tongue-in-cheek a bit there too, as I’m “only” mid 40’s), it’s not as bad as I thought whatsoever. I still feel like a 20-something in my head, just with a bit more experience and creaky knees lol

And of course, I’m still playing vidya games lol


Flying* mounts.

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There are fashion magazines calling 60 the new thirty. If we follow that mindset all the way, 45 is either the new 22.5 or the new 15 :relieved: good for you WoW is T rated, young lad

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The problem stems from stuff like “shareholders”. Basically the corporate interests on top want to see games have big pre-orders as a metric to success. It’s more valuable to them to have 1 million pre-orders than it is for them to have 2 million orders at release.

Metrics are just a toxic way of doing things, because it’s not based in reality. It’s all speculation-economics, which is basically where we are today.

I don’t have an issue with people pre-ordering the game because they like the game. I am someone who would probably pre-order, but I’ll probably do it closer to a month or 2 before the game launches, because it’s possible I will be in one of my burn-out phases where I will leave the game for a couple years before I come back.

But the people who keep coming back, knowing they actively hate it, are people with a full blown addiction and need actual professional help. It’s like trolls on these forums who haven’t played WoW for years yet can’t stop themselves from posting negative nonsense in the subforums of the games they “quit”, which is really just them trying to seem cool and “counter-culture” to others, as a way to gain value in their own minds.

No. They messed up when they were talking. During the panel it was stated that MOST flying mounts will be able to do the dynamic flying. Ground mounts won’t be flying, just like they don’t do so currently. They stated most flying mounts will get it, and the reason some won’t is due to possible animation issues that wouldn’t make sense for them to so.

Back to the original post though, you call yourself a whale, and yet aren’t even getting the highest pre-order level. You aren’t a whale in any sense of the word. You are just someone who knows they will play the next expansion. Now whether you are playing because you have an internal monologue saying you have to play (which is not healthy) or one saying you want to play, that’s something you need to pay more attention to.

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Amplifying this for the people in the back row!

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Yes you are part of the problem for being a consumer with no self-control. I am part of the problem for different reasons. There have been enough MMOs that have released content over the last year that I will be playing those until the new xpac here goes on sale, IF, it appears decent enough to play through.

This game is not worth buying a $50 xpac for anymore, hasnt for years which is why I also did not buy DF until it was -50% off.

So I am part of the problem because I deny Blizzard part of the revenue they were once used to and now have to try to make up for with gimmicks like this and pushing the shop even more to the few whales that spend in it coupled with their new model of smaller and quicker xpac releases to milk people like you.

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Have you ever run your own business or known someone who has? No one deliberatly attacks their own customers out of spite and lives to file next year’s taxes.

well, the restriction on traditional flying isn’t technical, they have the ability to allow traditional flying in the new expansion (as evidenced by the fact that traditional flying is enabled on expansion release but we can’t use it until we hit max level).

what other reason could there possibly be to restrict normal flying?

why did we have to wait for 11 months to get normal flying in this expansion? clearly it is also not a technical problem as they easily added normal flying.


It’s their game and other than the forums which are extremely biased and unreliable, where do you see any evidence that the players don’t mind waiting for regular flying?

did you not see the blue post regarding traditional flight by kaivax earlier this week?

literally SO MANY people complained about it that they quickly caved and removed the 15 renown requirement
 the fact that so many people complained to the point that blizzard literally changed their coding of the to remove the freshscales 15 achievement shows that there was quite a hefty portion of the playerbase that wants to have normal flying as soon as possible

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So many out of how many?

certainly enough to get a very quick reaction from blizzard and actually change their coding, so it must have been quite a large portion of the playerbase.

and don’t you notice that blizzard hasn’t allowed flying at the beginning of the expansion since MoP, but in the War Within, we will get traditional flying on release (we just have to wait for max level).

obviously they saw how many people disliked dragon riding (even ION mentioned this at his announcement - “we know that there are players that don’t like dragon riding, so we are going to allow traditional flying once players hit max level”).

the fact that ion mentioned it on stage that his customers disliked his feature of the game truly shows that a LARGE portion of the playerbase wants normal flying immediately.

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Read what he said more carefully. He never said it was the total number of peoplewho didn’t like dragon ridding. It could just as easily be the people with diabilities that made the difference.

pfft I turned 30 last month and i am ancient D:

when have you ever known blizzard to change their game because of a small minority? never.

they changed convenants in shadowlands ONLY because they literally lost millions of subs in 9.1. People gave negative feedback regarding covenants in beta for shadowlands but blizzard didn’t change a thing
 finally millions of people unsubscribed in 9.1 and then blizzard changed covenants.

blizzard only changes their game if literally millions of players unsub because of the issue.

If you enjoy the game and know you’re going to play it, then it isn’t a problem.


It’s cheap entertainment really.

Good entertainment too!


I think a flight license was required for Cata

yeah so it would appear that everyone who had a max level character in wotlk was able to fly in eastern kingdoms and kalimdor from day one of the expansion (even before they hit max level - see that the level requirement for the flight license was level 60, even though max level was 85).

Those magazines lie! :smirk: