I'm outraged Blizzard wants to make content instead of cosmetics

Different teams!

BEs are jerks. They sniped Draenei purple eyes.

Yes but also no. They cannibalize WoW devs to work on other games all the time.


I didn’t say we had to hang out with them lol!!

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To this ridiculous thread, I’ll give my response to another.


Shocking, I know, but people like different forms of content. I could not bloody care less about raids, but you don’t see me screaming that “they shouldn’t make content I don’t care about because I want all mine now.”

They can implement player feedback from multiple parts of the community. Not just yours.


It’s called poutrage.

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There are only 4 people, yes 4 people on WOW’s art team.

Now read the above sentence again and let that sink in. Biggest MMO in the world with one of the biggest gaming company in the world and there are only 4 people working for creating ART.

Do you know how ridiculous this sounds ? Blizz should give more millions of bonusses to the CEOs, that should make people like you happy i guess.

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If you think thats weird, FF14 only has one person who does the Ultimate creation for their high-end content.

Corporatism sucks.

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Pretty sure the person that designs belt buckles is not going to be contributing much to raid, dungeon and zone design. Except for any belt buckles that may be required.

Tbh, I’d be perfectly happy with no new raid or dungeons. Just give me more story and transmog stuff and other goodies like toys and mounts and I’m good.


But it this the zone of the enemy.

Pfft, buff twirl if anything! In fact, I want a twirling flip for my Night Elf. Get on it Blizzard! (coming in 2032™)

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Smol indy company pls make sure to send monies to kickstarter, we’re starving.

Not all content is good content. I will now show you to the maw.


They put a pirate hat on a dragon. Don’t tell me they don’t have the resources for cosmetics.


The only customizations we’re gonna see in the future are features being added to Bobby’s Yacht.


Yes, capitalism sucks but that is not the point here.

I don’t play FF14 so I cannot say for sure but if the playerbase does complain that things are not happening, they are correct to complain and if they are not complaining than the company is obviously doing its job.

Now, back to the topic. Blizzard is not doing its job and the playerbase complains about it, rightfully so. And here on this thread We have a blizz fanboi who thinks Blizzard is doing everything they can and they are right and the playerbase is wrong.

This is what makes me and many people angry. Blizz can release nothing and these people would be content with that. 9.1 is at least 3 months away and going to last 6-8 months with minimal content.


If we’re being honest, most cosmetics are something that an intern could do. The idea that a raid tier would have to be cut for some new Tauren horns is insane lmao.

I mean just spend 5 seconds thinking about what you’re saying. Every other mmo with much less resources can handle such a small task.


If Blizzard can’t be arsed to devote the time and resources to support and develop this game properly, then they have no ground to stand on when people complain. More customization isn’t some perplexing problem to solve or technical enigma to unravel - it’s work to put in.

There are only 4 people, yes 4 people on WOW’s art team.

I find that unlikely given that they have at least eleven character artists and about the same number of environmental artists, named here:


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You have never worked for a software development company have you?