That last BG I played really made me contemplate becoming a mythic raider in order to get the best gear in the game.
I seriously considered it.
What stops me from doing this is simply that I don’t want to become the very thing I hate. A person who abuses BFA mechanics and gets mythic gear to dominate PvP.
As fun as it would be to hit two 150k eviscerates in less than a second, I cannot allow myself to have a gear advantage. I feel pride when i blow someone up with a 429 item level. It means I know my class. I’m worried if I get mythic gear that I’ll become complacent and rely on my overpowered gear to carry me.
The point being made is that PvE gear specifically is dominant in PvP. PvP gear is relatively weak and acquiring it is inefficient. But I suspect you know this.
this has been the case though since wotlk, the fact people still seem shocked that its way the game plays out it is insane. As for should it be a thing well why not if someone is willing to put in the hours and gold in order to obtain the items then they should have the rewards
I personally don’t advocate for PvE gear to be useless in PvP. I also don’t think I’d want to see anything like PvP resilience again. A serious look does need to be made, however, at PvP gear and obtaining PvP gear. I’m not sure the best gear for PvP should necessarily be acquired through PvE and so explicitly so.
I find it fun but for BG’s and randoms definitely not the most useful spec. If you end up in a skirmish and expect others to play to its strengths, probably not going to happen
We can’t stop with homogenizing gear levels across all the players, we need more class homogenization.
I should be able to heal, tank, and DPS on every class. If not, its not an even playing field.
We need to homogenize players too. Bring in MMR. If anyone beats me in the battleground they should be moved up to a bracket so I don’t have to face them again. I can’t handle my feelings being hurt by being beaten by someone better than me.