I'm not interested in Plunderstorm, develop World of Warcraft please

They develop more than WoW. js.

What would that change? Rewards are still the same, obtained the same, game mode is still the same.
How can it not be part of wow? It’s legit inside the same game.

Plunderstorm is like 95% UI team using pre-existing assets and the other 5% is the art team working on some of the rewards. The equivalent of the dudes with spare time that made DOTA with the WC3 map maker.

Ya mean how like Warzone ceased any future development on Call of Duty? :thinking:

wow players truly are insufferable losers nowadays aren’t they? Can you go be a joy killer on your own please? Maybe go for a walk outside once and awhile?

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I guess WoW could use a few mini BR modes in Retail. Maybe 25 player free for all gladiator arena type thing. :thinking:

But outside is so much grindier than WoW.

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That i do agree. I can recall the number of times i’ve placed in those ranges and honestly would be nice to have.

I think the map is big enough and the amount of players is fine. It’s chaoitic and quick and easy to get into.

So Cosmetics and honor. I would love that. :slight_smile:

Ehhhhhhhhhh… How would that even work? I mean that’s kind of like saying imagine what a classic version of demon hunter would look.

30 seconds. I doubt blizz want people to just grind the plunder and just Kamakazi themselves into the Storm.

Sure. :+1:

Agreed, esp when it makes the night elf male cry and i was like … “wth?”

Sure and Sure.

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Go on.


I hear leveling takes ages too

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And you’re forced to play in hardcore mode.

This is my biggest problem. There’s no reason for Plunderstorm to launch from within the WoW client. Clicking on Plunderstorm launches a completely separate client. We can’t play our WoW characters. It needs to be its own entry within the battle.net app instead of launching the Plunderstorm client from within the WoW client.

I fully support having more BGs for those of you that enjoy PvP.


Other than it probably being easier to code the rewards into WoW if Pluderstorm launches from within WoW you’re probably right.

This is kind of a hot take. There are so many people playing WoW, each one paying for the game and each one with their own interests. I’ll be the first to admit that Plunderstorm is not for me, I hate it.

But to get upset that Blizz released something just because I don’t like it, especially knowing there are loads of people out there that DO like it, is just ridiculous.

It feels like people have forgotten that this is an MMO and not a single player game. You’re not the only one playing and you’re certainly not the only one paying.

Completely off topic but I adore your name <3 #TacoSupremacy

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all i ask is that they fix the text channels
i shouldnt have to fix my chat windows every time i log in on each toon

This season is kinda done though. We’re so late in the season that I’d wager the game has more people paying for it now because of something actually whacky vs. the typical end of season drought of players.

That’s true. Which is another problem I have - the rewards are only in WoW, where many players are focused exclusively on PvE. It wouldn’t surprise me if more players who play more PvP focused games would be more interested than here. Why aren’t there any rewards for Overwatch, for example? If someone who likes battle royales wants to try Plunderstorm, why is Blizzard requiring a WoW sub to play it? Why would anyone outside of WoW, even if they are interested in Plunderstorm, want to pay $15/month for a game they aren’t interested in just to play Plunderstorm?

I know you can’t answer these questions. I just find Blizzard’s implementation puzzling.

Already too late. Announced that the plunderstorm game mode will be the dominant one in the next expac. Raids, dungeons, pvp and other things no one plays like pet battles, world quests etc will be scrapped.

By focusing on the content the players love and want it will optimize gameplay for all.

Wouldnt be so bad if they used a patch based on the retail game to actually include something (anything) in the retail game. 10.2.6 just launched the next hearthstone/rumble/what ever mobile game you want to insert here. 10.2.6 added nothing to the actual game. It’s basically ‘Oohhh shiny’.

I tried to play it. I tried to like it. Just didnt happen. Tried a few times. So for me and good chunk of others, it basically is the patch that didnt actually include a patch.

And if the CC’s are right, the Pandaria thing is going to be just as bad. Different, but still just fodder until prepatch later this summer.

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