I'm not getting July's 500 trading post tender

I just restarted my gametime today I haven’t played with gametime since June, and there is no quest to get the 500 Trading Post Tender for July.

EDIT: and the chest is not clickable

How can I fix this?

Have you checked the chest?

Also, the system check for the monthly awarded 500 Tenders for being subbed is done at the first of the month.

At the first of each month, players with an active account in good standing will receive a set amount of Trader’s Tender automatically. If you don’t have active game time on your account or aren’t a subscriber at the start of a new month, don’t worry. Your Tender will be awarded the first day of the month when you do have game time or an active subscription. This will be the same amount for everyone, regardless of how you pay for your game time.


Yes, just check the chest, the quest was just a reminder to do so, and when you complete activities in journal.

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The chest is not clickable.

If the Collector’s Cache in the Trading Post is not glowing or interactive, it usually means that you have already collected all available rewards. Trader’s Tender is region wide, so if you have already looted the chest on one character, you will not be able to loot it again on another character in the same region, even if it is on another WoW account.

During a month you can generally earn 1000 Trader’s Tender per Battle.net region; 500 for having an active WoW account, and 500 for completing Traveler’s Log activities in-game. Occasionally there might be additional Tender available from promotions; check our news for details.

If you haven’t collected all earned rewards, but having trouble looting the Collector’s Cache, try disabling your addons or resetting your interface to see if that resolves the issue. Most display issues can be solved by doing this, but some may require you to fully exit the game for a minimum of 15 minutes before attempting to loot the chest again.

If you discover an issue with the Trading Post, please submit a Bug report.

Note: Bugs submitted in-game do not receive a personal response. Instead, they’ll be directed to the teams responsible for addressing them.

In addition, if you JUST resubbed it might take some time for the system to recognize that you are an actively subbed player.


The check to see you have valid game time and award the tenders is normally done the first of the month automatically. If you don’t have game time, it wont’ award them until you do have game time.

That is very likely not an instant check. It may need to wait for your payment to fully process, then for full day to pass. Some things in game and on the forums are batch files run once a day to check and process flags.

If you don’t get them within 24-72 hours I would be concerned, but not yet.


It has been only about an hour. That could be it.


It likely is. It shouldn’t take that long, but give it 24 hours.

Have you tried logging out and back in completely yet? It may help by refreshing your session.


Yeah I tried logging out and in, even rebooting the whole computer.

It gave it to me the following morning. Just came back to update with that.

Thanks all!


I am also having the same issue. I completed June, got the tender, and bought something in June resulting in 0. Now I come to July, and there is no tender in the chest, it’s unclickable. I have a 0 balance. I haven’t bought anything. And it’s also showing as an event I completed in June that overlaps from June to July as done and I show as having partial completion for July even though the event was done by me in June and the tender from it used to buy something in June.

On this account, Offenbarung? You might try disabling your addons or resetting your User Interface. From what I can see you have 740 Tenders at the moment.

You had 740 Tenders on July 1st, bought the Goblin Wave Shredder, bringing you to 40. Received 500 from the monthly amount and the first 2 100 awards from the Journal bringing it to 740.


It wasn’t showing up that way. It showed as 0. I’ll double check it tomorrow and report back if it’s fixed. Thanks!

Did you try doing a UI Reset, linked in the above post? A corrupted UI could definitely show the tender total as being zero or the chest unlootable. The process is reversible if it doesn’t help. It’s a much more indepth process than a /reload.

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While in-game it may occasionally be buggy - if you’re ever in question of what/how you’ve spent or looted tender? You can always go into your account settings here on the website and it will tell you accurately.

So starting here: https://account.battle.net/overview

Cut for Screenshots/How tos

Go down to your TRANSACTIONS bar.

From there, select the VIRTUAL WALLET header. You’ll see on mine right now, my tenders are running a bit low after buying too much and not playing enough to earn the monthly amount here of late.

If you click on the WORLD OF WARCRAFT link there, it will elaborate on your earnings and spendings.