I'm not crazy

So “Dreamsurge Investigation” is a weekly quest that I have not been offered after week one. I put in a ticket, where after 4 responses was basically told that it was not listed as a current bug and that I am the only one having this issue. I know that I am not the only one that this is happening to. What I need from those out there that are not being offered this quest is a quick response saying so. It will hopefully let them know that this IS an issue and also that I’m not nuts (well about this anyway lol) Thank You

I don’t remember what the quests were named, but if that’s the one where you have to do three world quests and one boss and complete the rift I haven’t gotten it since the first week either. I’ve just gotten the “collect 100 dust” one weekly.

I have had “shaping the dreamsurge” every week but not the one where you do world quests. Thought it was a one-time intro.

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having only read the title…


Yes both Shaping the Dreamsurge and Dreamsurge Investigation (with the 3 WQs, close the portal etc) are weekly quests. I have no problem with the Shaping the Dreamsurge quest

Uh, are you sure?

That has not been the case for me, or for Sorelai apparently

Yes several people in my guild get the Dreamsurge Investigation quest every week.

And they’re definitely not punking you?

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It is listed as a weekly quest on Wowhead and other information that is out there about the dreamsurge event. :slight_smile:

Well, I got nothin then. I’ve been running them on like 7-8 characters since they launched and only gotten that quest once on each of them.

Thank you for those that have replyed so far. If you ARE getting both quests every week, maybe respond with that too

It will surely come back into the rotation at some point .

I have only seen “Shaping the Dreamsurge” after the first week…on 5 toons. I assumed that “Dreamsurge Investgation” was a one-time quest.