I'm not buying the "meaningful choices line"

Holy hell, I get it now, you seriously can’t separate fiction from reality.


Sometimes fiction can accurately depict real life, you see it all the times in movies. WoW isn’t the best example per se, but it happens.

I’m still waiting on that detailed explanation of how a WoW gun functions like a real world gun.

When people start leaving in droves then we’ll see if they stick to their guns, you can’t kill min max because is human nature that we seek efficiency , it always going to be there

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You put a pellet in, gunpowder, pack it in, pull the trigger and boom.

Only the first two steps are done in the same motion and it doesn’t take long for the sake of QoL .

None of that is in WoW, none of it.

Seriously, write it up, I’m dieing to read it.

Have you seen the gun animations for auto shooting? Some races havetdifferent anims than others but Nelfs, humans, dwarves all have that motion and is evidence for a flintlock gun. Not to mention the sound they made before and after the gun sound revamp to incorporate outlaw pistol shot is evidence for a flintlock rifle.

There is no detailed manual because it’s not the focus of the game.

Sound? Really? Do you really think a flintlock pistol sounds anything like it does in game? How do you think they made that sound? I can tell you right now, they didn’t record a damn gun lol.

Seriously, your ignorance is astounding and once again, in no way is WoW similar to the outside world.

I see you chose to ignore the animation. Good call.

No the sound is of course it’s not the same as real gun. It’s a hyper stylized version to fit the WoW universe

Next you’re going to tell me total war games set in 1800s America is not similar to what actually happened.

There is no animation for what you described, literally none. Do you even know how long it takes to pack a musket? Not only that, an animation is irrelevant because THE ACTION ISN’T TAKING PLACE.

Then it isn’t comparable so why even bring it up?

They aren’t…

Not everyone min/maxes but everyone likes getting a BiS. Without min/maxes they wouldn’t know what is BiS and what isn’t.

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Yeah, I already addressed this in my previous post. And I said it was a QoL change.

Because all of this stemmed from you not agreeing that guns are tools to kill things in any world.

The musket reload times seem accurate to me.

I’m not sure if everyone likes getting BiS but it’s true without min/maxing, you wouldn’t know what is.

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It’s never been in the game since day 1. Are you even playing WoW? Rofl.

So when you kill something in a game world it’s similar to killing something in the outside world? Have you ever hunted before? Serious question.

They aren’t…

Adapt and overcome; be resilient.

The problem here is that for some unknown God forsaken reason blizz balances the game around 1% of the games population instead of balancing it around the majority. That’s why most of those changes happened.

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Idk you’re the guy that says guns in WoW shooting and killing something isn’t the same as a gun in real life shooting and killing something.

We need to fix that basic error before we move on.

Yeah it’s a change from how actual flintlock work.

The GCD changes - Im pretty ok with it. The wife doesnt seem to be.

Masterloot removed - gotta pad those /played hours somehow :wink:

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Because it’s not.

Hold up, lets clear something up first. Are you seriously sitting here and saying that killing something in a video game is the same as killing something in the outside world? Like, is this what you are saying? See I’m hoping this isn’t the case because if you are, we are entering into psychopath territory here.

Clear that up for me, please.

They never changed what didn’t exist lol.

Someone already pointed it out but the tone of this particular poster you may be talking about changed entirely when blizz made the night warrior in slands homosexual.

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