Still in his 30’s but the numbers of keybinds that are less than 25s cd just keeps adding.
I’ve been trying to read WoWhead’s guides, but I’m not finding a lot in regards of a beginner-friendly build. What would be the best one to learn Enh?
Also, how you Enh players keep up with all the short-timed cooldowns? I’m about to make a Weak Aura panel around a visible area of my screen, but with so many, that’s due to clutter a little bit.
The way I keep up is a rough priority system
So like …
You ask your self. Do I have Any big cooldowns? (Spirit wolves, sundering, ascendence)
Then, do i have any spenders? (Lightning bolt, elemental blast)
Then go to regular rotational abilities:
In the elemental build lava lash is top.
Then ice strike if you have it.
Then stormstrike if you have it.
Then frost shock if you have it. (Empowered by hailstorm)
I generally kind of just have a small tiered branching tree going on in my head like that…
It also helps to put your “proccing” abilities somewhere you can easily see (you can make a weak aura as well if you’d like, I avoid addons entirely for performance cause my computer is old)
Yeah, I’m doing that… Actually my struggle right now is how to keep up with so many short cooldowns without looking down at my bars all the time. And then keep up with procs as well (eg. Hailstorm who I need to make something to alert me when there’s enough stacks to use Frost Shock).
What you could do if you dont want to make a weakaura is take a small action bar and make it only visible during combat and put a few abilities you want to track on it and move it right in your field of view.
You can even make it reduced in size so it’s not in the way.
I generally set up my action bars in sort of a triangle below my character, right side has more of the active short cooldowns, left is the long / medium ones, and middle is the long ones.
That’s just my system though
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AH, great idea. That is actually more handy than a WA, because I can adjust the action bar in a pinch when changing builds.
Actually i think they recently added a counter to frost shock so you can track hailstorm stacks, and one to lava lash to track the talent where it accumulates more damage from frost shock ticks.
So you could probably get a way with a small action Bar with lava lash, ice strike, stormstrike, and frost shock on it at minimum.
On that note, what is the Enhancement build/hero spec with the least amount of keybinds?
The simplest build is the one that is currently being used in almost all forms of content: The Stormbringer hero tree utilizing the “Storm” (Stormstrike) build.
Totemic is a bit more to manage as you’re now prioritizing a ground effect that might need to be moved and an “Elementalist” (Lava Lash) build is a lot of micro-management via specific target swapping for Lashing Flames uptime.
I leveled an outlaw rogue and played for a bit in dragonflight. I made a weak aura pallette, just using tiny circular textures arranged in a pretty geometry. It mostly was just “show if off CD”, but I had one for Dread blades, blade rush, between the eyes, echoing reprimand, blade flurry, ghostly strike, and I don’t even remember what else. I liked it and kept it just to the left of my character.
Not sure if this will benefit you, but might be worth a shot.
Yeah, it does! I made a provisory one with one action bar, but if I really stick to Shaman as a class, I might do a smiliar (and prettier) thing with weak auras, because I can put sound alerts to it as well, which helps me a lot.
I know WeakAuras is the go-to add on, but I prefer TellMeWhen.
It’s much more intuitive and easier to set up imo. You can add sounds and custom icon animations too in the notifications tab of the addon ui.
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I mean. you can definitely add custom sounds and icons for WA too
I’ve added my own custom sounds to WAs
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Yeah, I used to enjoy TellMeWhen more… But ever since I mastered Weak Aura’s “complicated-ness”, I prefer it now, because even visually it allows me to set up a good looking interface.
I’ve been playing FFXIV during my break years from WoW, and I grew used to the job (classes there) gauges that track your important stuff - they’re very aesthetically pleasing, so I wanted a similar thing here.
Funny you mention this, I started leveling my first ever Shaman and chose Enhancement. Im level 39 and cannot believe how many buttons there are to press.
I try to keep all of the “proc” buttons next to each other to minimize searching when my WA blinks.
Other than that I just need to remember to heal mid group fight but it does get very daunting.
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Yeah… Also, question. Is Enhancement naturally that squishy? Trying Delves and between Malestrom-enhanced Surges and Brann’s potions, I feel like my health is like a yo-yo.
Why didn’t I think of doing that? Genius, going to do this once I get home.
100%, yes. However, Shamans did gain some survivability tools this expansion and they’ve made a HUGE difference. As a generality, if you look at most seasoned Shamans, these players are usually very good with avoiding mechanics - that is not a coincidence.
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^------ this 100%.
Enhancement Shaman have a great tool kit this expansion. Its very well rounded. There are a lot of abilities. Make sure you look at what you use, what you need, and what you need to remove from your action bars.
I keep trying to like other classes this expansion but enhancement is on fire, and has variability too if you want to use totemic or stormbringer talents
In general it just feels really good, and we have good survival ability through heals, and now that we have the stone totem we have more options for defense as well!
This has been my experience gearing the last 2 weeks. I can clear 8s fairly easily, but I need one cooldown available each pull.