I'm just going to say it

These new hunter changes are useless for Survival.

Why are we being given so many knockback abilities when we’re melee and there’s nothing to compensate for it unless their intention was for Surv to go full tranq shot and CC? What? I’ve been playing Survival for years and these are some of the worst changes I’ve ever seen but I’m curious to know what y’all think.

And what was the reasoning behind taking away Serpent sting? You know?

Like…Territorial instincts? Okay, fine. If you’re MM otherwise, I’m wasting a point taking a useless talent. I don’t know. These changes feel weird and unnecessary.

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yeah its important to remember that survival isnt the only hunter spec so not all changes will be catered to you


We have two. Explosive trap and Bursting Shot. Both are on choice nodes. Feel free to take the other option or neither if you like. The opinions on survival through out the beta have been very positive including my own.

As far as their usefulness goes, just like any cc, depends on what you are up to in game. I love having a choice to take bursting now for m+ and some niche raid moments. Being able to knock enemies back into a pack or into a desired position is pretty dope.


Surv garbo

The best I can offer is to see what bandaid fixes will come from tier set bonuses(and when do get the scoop on this?). As Ion “What Sword” Hazzikostas himself supposedly made himself stronger, Hunters might get something there.

so naturally you took something that was about 1 subject to make it about you and your opinion? okay just say that then

the explosive and implosive trap does feel odd as a capstone.

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Survival is doing insane damage rn, though I think it’s because dungeons are undertune regarding the recent changes.

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Implosive Trap is exactly what Hunter players have been asking for for years. We needed a good AoE stop for m+. It’s a great addition.


Radius is dog water tho.

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And yet far more useful than not having an AoE stop

Yeah sure I’ll take something rather than nothing

the person said that the HUNTER class tree had changes that were useless for survival… when they were changes to the entire class and are helpfull in many situations for the other specs too so yeah wake up its not all about survival hunters but about all 3 specs having more utility in their kit


That’s how you know OP hasn’t done mythic Fyrakk lol

Just about every spec gained damage with the patch, but SV AoE utterly exploded overnight, pun intended.

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They took away serpent sting cause it existed on the class tree and only a single spec actually used it. We dont need it, now we just spread it around while playing our rotation, its fine thats its gone.

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he literally said for survival. in his own thread. with his own opinion

wild right? imagine reading


Because bloat like Territorial is oh so useful for MM PvP, BM PvE, or BM PvP, either?

If they wanted it a pet-proof stun, they needed only adjust and readd Wyvern Sting (since Intimidate, despite coming from your pet, needs to be in range and line of sight of you anyways), rather than this awkward tack-on.

Well, first of all I think this conversation has gone way off the rails: I’m well aware that these changes “don’t just cater” to Survival hunters.

We have also been having conversations in game about some of these changes and it wasn’t just things like “Oh, here’s a point in…flare” but…the tranq shot thing was the most confusing that came up with a lot of us wondering if there’s going to be uses for these abilities going forward because there hasn’t been before. I mean, why spend so many points on abilities we’ve never had to rely on before. Are there mobs coming where tranq is going to be needed? Why take misdirect out of our kit and make it a talent point?

We just had questions. That’s all. Settle down, yeesh.

Would be a cool if we had some sort of harpoon-like targeted grapple that both restored focus and left a dot on an enemy…that just so happens to require range. :stuck_out_tongue:

Tbh, I’ve been using Bursting Shot primarily to help group up stragglers–it’s a lot of fun imo. Otherwise, Implosive Trap is the way to go over High Explosive Trap for PvE at least—an interrupt and AoE in 1.

No advantage to this 1. I guess less button bloat, but I liked having it as an option.

Wait are you talking about the choices after tranq shot? Or just tranq shot in general? Cause I pvp and even i’ve used it in a M+