I'm just going to say it. Mythic+ is and at its core, fundamentally a mistake, and anti WoW

I’ve been playing MTG for a very long time! I work in a school and these past six months have been teaching 12 and 13 year old’s (Year 7 boys and girls) how to play. They all love it so much and have asked their parents for decks for Christmas!

Bringing the new generations in!

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Yeah ultimately it’s there to set a point at which players are no longer able to take actions which reduce risk in order to further their goals. You can’t CC the two casters out of the pack, then pull each one by one at the end, at least not with any degree of frequency. At higher levels it also encourages players to take risks in order to have the option of taking something less risky later on.

I think that’s fair, I’m just not really sure how you solve it when the role still has to be played in order to make the content function and maintain the challenge. When you do a decent amount of M+ you start getting a sense for things like the pace of your run compared to previous and that “Constant tension” starts to fade because rationally you understand for example that if you have 15 minutes left after the second boss of Mists you’re fine because the last boss area takes roughly 7-8 minutes.

When things get down to the wire there’s some real tension, same as there is with a boss fight. The difference is that, for the most part, if you were to make the number of mistakes needed to be close on time in a M+ dungeon during a boss fight you’d probably have wiped and had to go again anyway.

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EDH or 60 card?

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nah. I only do it for the loot, not for fun.

Bro I support you on your endeavours to be a clown. HMU with your PayPal, next makeup purchase is on me.

60 card. We play during recess and lunch so not a lot gets done, and there’s about 10 kids! Maybe I should make smaller decks for them?

(My cards are from the mid 90s, so we’re playing with the oldest rules, and several banned cards.)

Just in terms of cardpool or do you mean damage on the stack? xD


Ha! You must play professionally? I’m not even sure what you mean? : p

I’m very casual, and just play my old decks the way I used to when I was really young. I haven’t looked much into the newest rules, other than finding out which old cards are worth money now and how many I have! (One; I have a revised edition Ancestral Recall in great condition.)

None of those “options” are really relevant anymore, are they? Does anyone do heroic dungeons? Does anyone do follower dungeons? What’s the point? I’m not saying remove the timer, just suggesting that having the option to obtain M+ level loot without the timer would be nice. Again, it seems trivial to implement the option while still incentivizing activating and completing the timer.

Im 100% sure that yes people still do them, why arent they relevant? Cause gear? Thats dumb play the content or dont plenty of ways to get good gear in the game even more so now with delves this xpac which are only getting better next season rewarding gilded crest. Stop whining play the game the timer aint the issue

Lol you are not casual if you get the Delve beetle mount? How??? I’m not casual then? As if! The casual/elitist arguements on this forum are hilarious to me because of how often the goalposts get shifted.

I would say non casual people are people who do Mythic+ higher than 10. Since 0 is the new 10, it’s probably changed to people who do Mythic+ at all, and Mythic raid - esp. past the few early bosses who are usually puggable even at Mythic. Heroic raiding is in this weird midcore state.

Normal raiding in the game is so weird. It’s like normal mode is really the strangest one… There doesn’t seem to be any good achievements tied do it like AoTC, the transmog color options have been the ugliest, almost like the game is a bunch of angry nerds saying there’s something wrong with being a normie that doesn’t like video games? LoL

Nobody did heroic dungeons when M+ wasn’t a thing either, because those were trivial levels that were used to lead into raids and then it was just raid logging. If you want content without a timer, delves do that. Raids don’t by the way, they have enrage timers.


There was a point in the 90s when the stack was introduced (The first in last out system when people play cards in response to eachother) where damage was part of that too, which lead to some VERY weird interactions. It was changed very quickly after.

As for my own play I would’t say professionally, it’s very hard to make competitive money in a card game :stuck_out_tongue: but I have a few regional qualifier wins / finishes.


How can you say no one did heroic dungeons? Do you speak for the enitre playerbase, im sure there are plenty of people that stick to heroics and lfr and stuff.

people did them for badges and for crafting orbs. not because they enjoyed them.

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They still fill the exact same role of being easy entry content. Mythic plus doesn’t take people out of that content who were going to hang out in, it gives a reason for people to play the game at all when they’d go on break.

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How can you say that no one enjoyed them?

M+ is easy
It’s the community that’s making it (and itself) anti WoW

Obvious troll is obvious

I would bet money that more queueable dungeons ie normal heroic timewalking have been run this season than keys above 12. Does that mean keys 12 and higher are irrelevant, of course not that would be ridiculous and so is saying heroic dungeons and such are pointless and no one runs them

My problem with m+ is that some classes dont have as many tools as others. Makes it harder to get invites.

I’m not a fan of homogeneous classes, but maybe for m+ the group can get a community action bar that has brez and lust.