I'm just going to say it. Mythic+ is and at its core, fundamentally a mistake, and anti WoW

These are some absolutely absurd claims that I’d love to see you back with evidence, but I sincerely doubt you will be able to.

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Those were Pandaria numbers, and then they immediately fell off because there was nothing to do in WoD but raid and AFK in your garrison. I even raided in WoD, and the raid wasn’t even that good. Also sub numbers fell off because they announced there would never be flying ever again in the game lol. I think people forgot about that.

You say this like its plausible. Logging in and being asked, “Trex…+12?” and your response is…nope hate Mythic +…doesn’t garner friendship and relationships. Also doesn’t feel good thinking you are holding your teammates back because you dont want to grind out extra gearscore levels from Mythic + by capping your crest while others are. Soon as the guild wipes…people point fingers and its human nature. It ruins the fun and its not as easy as “not doing it” Also “go find a guild that doesn’t mind” is an illusion also.

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It’s entirely self-inflicted, obsessive, and a bit melodramatic at this point.


If they removed M+ the only thing that would change is that you would logout after raid because you wouldn’t feel “forced” to log on to get more gear in M+. I’m sorry but like others have already said, this is entirely self-inflicted.

If friendships are contingent on you always running content for them outside your pre-arranged raid plans, whenever you log on, that’s not much of a friendship.

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It’s just a shame because it sounds like your negative perception / experiences of mythic+ comes from pugging and the sentiment of GD. Yet what you describe as wanting from dungeons is what mythic+ is for me and others at the level you seem to want to play the game at. A chill experiece where, maybe you have to have your head screwed on a tiny bit, but you’re mostly just vibing with people you enjoy spending time with.

And not something you do anywhere close to the amount people seem to think.

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As i said…not asking for Mythic + to be removed…just not tied to power requirement for raiding. PVP gear has minimum impact on raiding and Mythic +, not sure why Mythic+ and raiding have to be tied to the hip. As I said, I am all for Mythic + being on par with Mythic raiding…let +20’s drop gear equal to Mythic raid gear for all I care…its a legit achievement to clear Mythic + at those levels.

Why is me wanting to go to raids 3-4 days a week with 20 other people because I love the large team combat and logging off the rest of the week, as it was for 12+ years of WOW’s history now not ok? Why do I have to log on 5+ days a week to keep up in content to maximize my character because Mythic + is a thing.

M+ made the general attitude of the playerbase worse and more toxic

that mode breeds toxicity

even more so than pvp


Literally everything you said is false.

Maybe. But I can be honest with myself…I feel like I am very skilled at raiding …and I am average in Mythic +. They are two different types of content. I am below average at PVP and that has always been something I wasn’t forced to do. I do better in situations where I can see the fight and progress by repetition because the strat doesn’t change much and everyone does their job. But mythic + is more real time dynamic and group comp/gear/skill level for the group makes every dungeon a bit different.

Not something I excel at as much as raiding. But still forced to do it.

That’s potentially true, all I can do is share my experience of mythic+ this expansion as one of the few people on GD who is in the position you seem to want to be in.

PvP is entirely separate gameplay with spells and stats being reworked, even flat stamina values are different. M+ is still PvE content.

It is still okay, actually.

Whats GD? (probably simple just drawing a blank).

I actually rather enjoy M+. I enjoy having small-scale mechanics challenges that don’t require a full raid group and reward competitive gear options.

The only part of M+ I truly dislike is key depletion. Just let us pick the level of key we want when we enter the Mythic, like delves. This would genuinely only improve the M+ experience.

M+ being ’required’ for the endgame is really only a thing because of poor loot design. If players actually got useful gear from raid each week and the crest system didn’t gatekeep then no one would be obligated to pad their chances with M+ spam.

TLDR; I love M+ and would like to see it developed and refined rather than removed or gutted.

General discussion. This forum, or subsection of it.

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I’m just wondering, why did you kill Heroic Ansurek the first time in September, 2 weeks after Heroic came out, and only killed it one time since then? That’s kinda suspicious if you’re truly logging on to raid 3-4 days a week.

It takes about 5 seconds to pull the log and pretty clearly see it’s not a boost. Join raid guild, raid a bit, decide its not for you because of XYZ reasons. Dont raid again.

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That’s what #1 in the world performance looks like, it’s beyond us mere mortals.

I just don’t agree that its ok for a cutting edge raiding guild to just raid log. Sure for heroic and for 4/9 guilds…but not cutting edge. Prior to Mythic +, skill level is all that mattered to raid teams (outside of being a jerk of course) and if you could perform in raids, no one cared what you did on your offnights.

Mythic + changed all of that and now raid leaders/leaders/peers are all looking to see who is doing their weekly 10, capping crest, etc because they want CE and even if you are a 99% parser…if your 10ilvls behind others because they have 8 weeks of capped crest and you don’t, you open yourself to being replaced or benched. Forces that choice of doing I do something I hate for something I love…or do I just stop playing. That is a situation that Blizzard has forced on people.

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