I'm just going to say it. Mythic+ is and at its core, fundamentally a mistake, and anti WoW

Padgarre is happy Delves were introduced because it shows what COULD be. It doesn’t mean M+ has to be that but it shows there’s other options.

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Agreed, I think expanding the delve system to be different with a party and be a slower dungeon that can scale would be really cool. As long as they still keep the ability to do it solo, too.


Everyone is going to complain about every mode in the game concerning every difficulty. Theres people complaining T8 delves are too hard.

If we were able to tale every complaint and claim “see no one likes this”, no one would like WoW period.

All complaints should be brushed off as someone having a bad day


Welcome to the forums, where everyone complains about everything. People complain that delves are too hard, and you can clear the top of rewards in the lower four-hundreds ilvl.

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By this post I assume you play primarily in the pug environment. I pug, and play with friends and also in a guild. When I play with friends or my guild my experience is pure fun. I love the game. Pugging is not mostly bad for me, but the chance for a worse experience is there. If my friends and I fail, odds are we were talking sh*t and having fun anyways. I will say some systems like key depletion and less crests for fighting through and still completing regardless of timing feels bad. My opinion is that if you don’t time, but complete, the key should stay same level. Either way, it sucks seeing people having a miserable time in the game when I truly believe the game at it’s core is amazing. I do have a great time.

Because that’s more likely than Blizzard walling it off from raid.

Its hard to take you seriously when you claim mplus is such a joke yet dont even have all 10s timed. And arent even a hall of fame player. Like i get it dude your prolly super good at pushing taunt when dbm tells you to in raid but no one is impressed stop being such a elitist when you clearly arent elite. You need to go outside i think cause literally you’re on these forums posting the same nonsense every single day, take a deep breath no one shpuld be so jaded over a video game.

you do know that most classic guilds rank themselves based on how fast they speed run raids like Molten Core and BWL and Nax, right?

When people hate a game mode, they are less likely to do it.

And usually when talking m+ difficulty, people aren’t comparing from remotely the same standpoint.

Guild raid vs 5 disorganized pugs.

That was a lot of something gave up half way through.

Not goin to say I know anything about M+ cuz I don’t, try it back in legion and didn’t like it to much so I haven’t gone back and yes like many other I don’t like the timer and will never go back as long as it there but that neither here or there.

What kinda got me reading so much at least at first is how a lot of people keep bring up Gear over and over again, not sayin gear doesn’t have it important but It only as important as the content that your doing.

Back in legion again before I quit cuz of that stupid weapon grind god I hated that I was a heroic raider at best never push for mythic never tried to, so yea I got some decent gear not goin to say I always got the best of the best but enough to beat the bosses.

I don’t know unless your doin the highest of high content like high keys or Mythic raiding why do you need the gear for, I would say at best only 10 to 20% of players do this so why worried about it?

anyway that my complaint yall can go back to your M+ good or bad talk could care less

Its on par but way slower and the loot table is iffy.

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Lucky for you, M+ isn’t required content. Go stick to delves if you love it so much.

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Hot take, I blame PVE E-Sports. Stay mad.


good stuff

Those are 2 different topics, I went by what you originally said.

It sounds to me like you are pointing the finger at the wrong problem. The problem snt mythic+ or timers. The reason the two types of players you mentioned above can’t complete what they could before has nothing to do with either of those things you mentioned. The problem is the overall complexity of the combat, and the difficulty of the game. It quite literally breeds this sort of thing.

“The game is too hard for old people with jobs and kids with ADD” is one of the wildest incorrect takes I’ve seen.

I just wonder what I was missing when all these pros are able to clear heroic back in the day, and struggle hard in mythic plus and raiding now.

It’s like we played two totally different games.

It’s easier on the devs than 10 man mythic. Or so I guess.

IDK why he chose to pick two outliers. I think the game is too complex for the average person. I personally don’t have a problem with difficulty, with exception to the artificial difficulty added to me by people that can’t handle the difficulty.

I would love it if I could log into the game and play somewhere near the highest difficulty with regular people. I’ve honestly never played a game where I have to vet people like I do in this game. Even the people I vet are typically completely clueless what’s going on. Always been that way. It’s pretty rare I meet people who actually know what all their buttons do and actually use them.