I'm just going to say it. Mythic+ is and at its core, fundamentally a mistake, and anti WoW

Somebody’s never had a 1% wipe after 400 pulls on a boss in deep Mythic prog.


even with a 1% wipe, that’s probably extra 40 pulls at most?
(I say this but have had counts up to 80.) Cause roster changes and what not.

Sure, so a couple more nights.

How about we make every M+ run take a couple days longer than it usually does? How would that be for everyone?

Finally still within the obtainable reward range, sounds great!

(M+ is way too rewarding, and people reach end of tangible rewards too soon.)

I guess 2850 kinda counts for s2, and title is really not on most people’s radar.

No, it did not. Players were running through wrath heroics as fast as possible, too. The current plague of pulling boss to boss in normal/heroic/TW dungeons didn’t start until DF, when tanks became basically immortal in that content due to damage being shifted to the group instead; that was a full 8 years after M+ was introduced.

Players have run content as fast as the game and their own power allows them. That’s been true going back to at least TBC, if not vanilla. The shifts in player skill, character power, and design of the content are what allowed players to speed run trivial content, not the introduction of M+.

M+ formalized this desire players were already exhibiting. If you want to criticize this tacit endorsement by Blizzard, that’s your prerogative, I won’t argue with you. But this whole “everything that’s wrong with the game falls squarely on M+” shtick is just revisionist history.

Only for players who view M+ as a distraction from other game modes they want to play. For players who view M+ as a primary means of progression, it’s more likely you’ll just drive them away from the game. The ultimate raid or die expansion coincided with the largest known sub drop the game has experienced. I can’t prove raid or die was the reason for this sub loss, but you’re going to have to do better than just make up the history of the game before and after M+ to convince me the game would be better returning to that state.

Chess, perhaps?

The problem isn’t that people dislike M+. It’s that they make asinine statements regarding how M+ plays, its history, and the M+ community with zero supporting evidence, and then resort to ad hominem when corrected or asked for clarification.

You will never find me try to argue someone is wrong for disliking the presence of a timer. But when people pretend that the inclusion of the M+ timer is the sole reason tanks pull boss to boss in leveling dungeons when not even mid level keys are pulled that way is absurd.


m+ is probably overall good for the game. but over incentivizing it has encouraged the cultivation of a type of player that fundamentally does not enjoy rpg aspects of an mmo.

people sitting in instanced content all day long is really bad for the feeling of a living breathing world that you see in games like gw2 or classic wow. i do think m+ rewards outside of the vault should be nerfed pretty significantly, but before that I would like blizzard to try incentivizing world content more to try to bridge that gap and see if that gets more people out in the world.

Was it consistently 1% for the majority of those 400 pulls? Or was it you just made less mistakes that one time compared to the rest?

Point is: if your first 10 pulls are roughly around 60% and in the same night, and the rest of the night youre sub 40%. Thats not a difference made up from ilvl. Thats simply playing better with the same ilvl.

Unless for 3 hours straight you were consistently at the sub 5%

Noticed you werent out there clearing 10s week 1 with 610 ilvl…so…seems like this is already happening

Oh there is a lot of personal responsibility in a raid, I’ve been called out by raid leader, as have just about everyone else. No one is perfect, but there is a lot of personal responsibility, from coming prepared, to making sure you are going here and there to do whatever while DPS’ing. It’s not like anyone stands around in raiding. ((Maybe LFR but that really doesn’t count, nor does storybook mode for raiding))

Thats not what im saying.

Individual dps can be lower in a raid setting because youve got 12+ dps to make up your slack. M+ theres 2

In a raid if its not an “everybody” mechanic, a larger portion is left out. Whereas the majority of m+ mechanics target everyone (or 60%+)

I have more “wiggle room” in a raid setting

People are horrible at the game (or other people are vastly better) take your pick. Progression raiding is more about the right people getting mechanics sometimes or the worst players surviving by RNG.

So you can make it to p3, but then spend the next 20 pulls wiping in p1.

I’m pretty sure they all aged out of it. And being alive.

Yeah. I’m leaning towards agreement. Despite me parsing in blue, I’m TERRIFIED of tanking anything above +3. This isn’t because of how I’m treated or anything, but I don’t want my ignorance impeding others enjoyment of the game.

That’s going to happen anyway. It’s better not to care about it.

Try, fail, adapt.

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Yeah 100%

My last Queen prog we had this happen due to a pug Mage. He was in voice comms, said he understood the mechanics and knew what to do, but constantly ran around like a chicken with his head cut off when he got puddles in P1.

Couple times he was a popper and did it at the right times…but then wouldn’t run the explosion out.


Like people not going to eggs when marked on Brood (edit: or running to a sac that someone is already standing)

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Don’t worry, this still happens in mythic, with a guild that has killed the boss.

False. Heroic was “Cutting Edge” content, just like Mythic is now.

Continuing on with cata, I remember people ragequitting Stonecore quite often as soon as Ozruk rolled up or if something went wrong with the sentries.

Even if there are no timers a lot of people will still be this sweaty, just take a look at Classic compared to vanilla.

I think for raiding you need the mindset of getting every mechanic, every round, and feeling lucky when you dont. So that way panic doesnt hit every time you ro have to do one.

I wish there was a way to make it so you got every mechanic so i could volunteer. Ill take low parses if it means we down the dang boss (no letting people die until theres just enough for the mechanics isnt the solution) lol


Tanking isn’t a whole lot different to DPS. You just have different things to react to.

The only real major difference between the two is that DPS likes stacking cooldowns for big burst windows, whereas Tanks, especially this season, are all about layering their defensives.

If you’re a DPS who is aware enough of your kit that you don’t need to be hard-carried by a healer whenever damage comes out, it is trivial to transition to learning a tank.

And also positioning, but that’s easy. Don’t face the cleaves to the melee, move stuff so it’s not standing in stuff on the ground that buffs it, or so your melee doesn’t have to stand in stuff on the ground.

But what if the melee have upset me? Can I just have a little melee cleave?


Tanks can have a little melee cleave, as a treat.

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