I'm just going to say it. Mythic+ is and at its core, fundamentally a mistake, and anti WoW


A people being mad about the easiest form of gearing not being even easier will always make me chuckle.

But hey.

WoW is a game that offers variety. Some people don’t get that. They want everything to revolve around them

Games doodoo. Fantasy doll dress up simulator for balding anti social dudes. Let em enjoy what they enjoy.

Got it.


Carry on.

To use those as examples to protect myth loot isn’t the best argument because the first 4 exist.

That said, it would obviously have to be hard to say the least.

Players will be upset one way or another. We’re all our own version of goldilocks to be honest.

This would be better than M+.

Best dungeon boss this expac was the final boss from City of Threads cus mechanical difficulty.

People dont want difficulty though they want timers and easy gear and io.

Those both have timers though! Like basically every piece of content which isn’t meant to be unfailable.

And a lot of us have been saying for years that Blizzard should stop with the E-Z-Mode initial bosses followed by a cliff.

I like this. Im stealing this

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Isnt that by design. Isnt that your way of getting out of m+? Farmable mythic bosses for mythic gear before going into the harder content?

Why do m+ when you can just farm the first bosses on repeat?

Guilds will never do this because they want the difficulty of the raid to take 5-6 months and only have 6 hours a week in most cases. So it’s kind of self inflicted by wanting the difficulty but needing to preserve the time.

Clear Heroic in 1.5 hours
Farm first 4 Mythic bosses for remainder
16/20 people get loot
Everyone gets 2 mythic vault + 1 Heroic vault
Rotate the people next week who get gear (will always be a healthy overlap)

Entirely doable

Yeah that takes away from prog on the current boss. Might easily work for say a HOF guild but then these regular guilds are chasing CE and if you reclear, instead of 6 hours together on prog they get 4.5 in mythic and then it’s maybe 3-3.5 hours of prog.

They can blast first 4 but once they hit the raid wall it’s like a thousand pulls left sometimes less or more before they get CE, but still a lot.

They won’t sacrifice the time to reclear, so they do M+ on the side and then complain about M+.

Then if they make the first 4 harder tons less guilds will get CE.

Only reason i played legion - DF and its terrible tww so i havnt played in months and letting the ole sub die, way better games for free out there.

You dont have to do m+. Want gear, do mythic raiding. Your complaints sound more like a skill issue.

In all honesty though, how much is 400k hp and 2% dps increase holding players back from their kill?

Throughput usually isnt the issue. But we’re probably not ready for that talk.

Like my guild, we usually PuG a few people (especially if we wanna go 4 healers instead of 3 for obvious group split reasons. DPS there, but someone botched a mechanic here and there and then its a reset (durned pugs)


M+ is literally peak WoW, having to use all of your abilities, optimize them over time and even consider and deal with their cooldowns, while having pressure to perform well instead of just slacking off

it’s like a 30 minute raid, except you can do whatever you want

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It’s rare. It’s only so the devs don’t have to nerf the raid, really.

I would like to see blizz decide what difficulty mythic actually is though. Currently it’s 2 difficulties and that’s just weird to me.

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M+ is merely a 5man dungeon, don’t compare it to 25 people working together because the 2 are not equal.

Correct. Less personal responsibility in a raid. Can perform worse and still win :wink:

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WoW was better when it’s focus was getting a large group of players together for the common goal of taking down big uglies, like our ancestors used to do with Mammoths.

M+ doesn’t fulfill my primal urge to hunt mammoth with the boys.

Classic raids are boring, but they provide so many layers of good game from gearing systems to social experiences and even that primal urge to hunt mammoth.

Retail feels like a ARPG now not even WoW anymore. If you don’t like WoW ARPG you get capped around 620.