I’m not sure what the solution that would attract the most people would be, but the issue with M+ isn’t that it’s a dungeon but the overall format makes it less approachable. We need more variety of content types maybe.
The timer is hated by many. It’s not the worst part for me but I don’t really care about it.
The key system is hated by some, including me. I think the delve UI for selecting a level would be better than having to use keys.
Doing the same dungeons for an entire expansion also isn’t fun, which is why they tried adding old dungeons to the mix. I’m not sure that’s the best solution or at least not good enough by itself. Adding more dungeons every time they add a new raid would be one, but probably not going to happen. Maybe having several variations of the same dungeon like they tried with delves could help.
The loot system of M+ that makes it so grindy could also be improved. Maybe instead of infinite farmability for end of dungeon loot you could have the ability to open a limited number of chests per week for personal loot at the end of the dungeons somewhat similar to the delve looting system. While I don’t really like the delve content I think some of the delve systems are better than M+ systems and could be used to improve 5 man content.
Small scale content has been done in a number of ways already in WoW. I like Torghast’s design better than most delves content wise and found the abilities more fun than having an annoying dwarf follower (though the RNG aspect of getting the abilities wasn’t ideal). I also hated the RNG legendary system of that expansion that was tied to Torghast, but I would consider that different than the content itself.
3 man scenarios I think had a lot of potential. We saw that in MoP and I think a couple other expansions. Delves are kind of like scenarios but scenarios had more variety. Delves could be expanded to have more of that style of content as additional delves I suppose. A wider variety of content types could fit into the delve space.
Island Expeditions were another form of content but was basically simulated PvP. Maybe having some of this combined into a system like delves where some of them were that type of content would help add more variety to the delve system.
Warfronts were also an interesting content type that was another type of simulated PvP battleground style content they never really developed, though was larger scale when we briefly had them.
Maybe a little bit of everything they’ve already tried mixed together to add some more variety would be nice at least if they can’t come up with anything new.
slippery slope
if wow only gives me 2 evenings a week i might reconsider if the sub is worth it. other games without sub cover more days than that after all.
keep the people busy. m+ is great at that, on good seasons at least.
We have 3 man content.
The issue is when you want to remove anything that creates difficulty but still want BIS rewards.
Torghast was not serious content. It can’t have player power rewards attached to that style.
M+ is already a loot pinata. Implying it should give even more loot quicker is the wrong move.
At some point it’s ok to expect people to actually play the game
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Plenty of people complain about there being difficulty, we’ve seen that time and again. The timer is the fail state. Raids have enrage timers and those are much more penalizing than the timer in M+.
The loot system in delves is pretty much the biggest disaster in them, aside from their balancing. Loot lockout is shared across all difficulties, and the best end-of-delve loot isn’t on a lockout.
Yea we all know M+ is crap and belongs in Diablo. Blizzard sucks at games now. PoE1 was better than D3, PoE2 is better than D4, WoW retail is subsidized by its OG Classic version and Ion only listens to the 1%.
Bad Diablo devs basically made WoW end game unfun because anti social people refused to raid (the same people who begged for automation because they refused to find their own groups)
Ive been playing Pantheon, PoE2, and Classic. Only gonna get KSM next season for the mount and go back to my AOTC retirement.
At least the Goblin raid should be fun. 
EDIT: I forgot to give the devs credit for delves. Whoevers idea that was should be running the entire game.
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For M+ I’d say it’d be a huge improvement to only be able to open 3-4 end of dungeon chests a week. You would choose which ones to open. That would be more in-line with how raid loot works.
That’s a much better system for the majority than being encouraged to spam it as much as you have time for to fish for loot.
I suppose you could also add a rare drop map style system for higher ilvl loot like delves do but you wouldn’t have to do that.
Also the radiant echo system is trash and should be purged from existence. I don’t think every aspect of delve loot is good, I just compared it because of the weekly limitation vs. the endless farmability of M+.
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Except that receiving loot in normal has no bearing on loot in mythic, and vice versa. It shouldn’t be advantageous to sandbag your own character because you’d miss out on loot from clearing higher difficulties.
I have barely done M+ this entire season, it no longer holds any interest for me, and what lil interest I had was because it was means to an end for raiding.
I think that is a major issue in everything he has touched this expansion.
Nah m+ is great.
PoE encompasses everything people here complain about.
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Bratha there is half a million people playing PoE2 rn enjoying themselves cus its a good game.
This forum has been anti M+ since TWW launched.
Half a million?
For a new game?
Man. That’s horrible.
Don’t confuse you being anti m+ for all the forums. The forums are not an accurate reflection of the player base.
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My bratha you can search the forums bratha by typing M+ into the search bar bratha and see 4 urself
And I see many people state they enjoy it.
Once again.
The forums do not reflect the player base.
Granted, if you state you like m+ you open yourself to a lot of name calling and personal attacks.
So what about reddit and X cus the WoW communities their been complaining about M+ all season too.
You’re conflating constant complains about difficulty on GD with an actual meaningful discussion about the content. People who don’t run M+ complaining it’s too hard is really of no concern to anybody.
Might not be a bad idea to look. Now that guilds are cross realm it’ll probably be a bit easier now.
Social media takes are not the basis for rational conversation
Aren’t there at least 5k people complaining about whatever POE issues there are?
If you knew you were capable of doing M+ whatever then you simply wouldn’t open the +2 chest or whatever. If you also have a delve style UI to select difficulty and don’t have to deal with leveling keys and failing keys you also wouldn’t spend as much time doing content you don’t need to do outside of helping friends.
Although, if you really wanted to make it more like raids you could just have 4-5 M+ levels for different ranges of loot squishing 2-10 difficulty into 4-5 difficulties and let you open a limited number of chests each week from each loot difficulty or perhaps one chest per dungeon per loot difficulty. Then the ladder race aspect would start after that.