I'm in favor of the timeskip

I guess I’m in favor of a timeskip too. Though, I think that maybe they should have just had things progress in Real time from the beginning. And I’m a little disappointed by the fact it means we’ll miss some of the neat things that happened during the skip.

Arthas (somehow) visits Hellfire Peninsula.
Orc: We kill of blue Draenei, turn into fine paving material!
Arthas: (leans down, examines the Path of Glory) Hmm, nice! But, merely paving material?
Orc: You having the better idea of what to do with bones? Good ones already chewed up by Bonechewer Clan; all leftovers not chewy anymore.
Arthas: (draws Frostmourne and points it down at ground) Check THIS #### out!..

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It is nice to see a Blue Post in the Story Forum, helping us to understand the context of events, from the Developer’s stand point.

I mean, if nothing else, this is conclusive acknowledgement of the timeline. And that is very helpful as we discuss lore.

Thanks for taking the… time.

So, it would appear this is largely an honored truce - by both sides - for the time that has passed. Interesting.

Anyway, call me easy, but a little clarification and explanation goes a long way. Color me ready to skip across time.


Maybe we’ll get to see Sunwalker Dezco’s child, Kor, sometime soon in the future?


Yeah this is confusing to me as well. I dont understand how there’s only 4 years between TBC-MOP. Are we really supposed to believe that the war in Northrend lasted 1 year? On top of that being unbelievable, it doesn’t make any sense if theres supposed to be 1-2 years between expands as well. The timeline is very confusing.

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Gorefiend could have done that! And got rid of the Alliance Expedition along the way if he had the mind to. He was just sitting on his laurels waiting to for the right moment to open the Portals and ended up paying the price when Ner’zhul went to open the Portals.

If Gorefiend had gotten rid of the Alliance ahead of time he could have made sure Ner’zhul’s Portals actually went somewhere other than straight into the Twisting Nether.

Yours was the only post I found that really fit the bill for linking on the alpha forums :x many seem to get derailed and go more toward angst than constructive thought.

I hope this isn’t an excuse just to start hitting the Horde with the villain bat again because you’re unwilling take a torch to the Alliance leadership for once.

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Just as I suspected, the plan is to age up Anduin. He will be in his mid to late twenties when he returns.


I am shocked we actually got a blue post on this.

Based on Chronicles year 25 was the fall of Gnomeregan. Which means that in about 10 years times we had Vanilla WoW-BfA. And based on your post, Vanilla was just 1 year.

As a long time role-player in the Warcraft Community, I greatly appreciate the amount of time and clarification that went into this message. I look forward to the short story, and I hope we will see more community interactions like this in the future, where the lore is concerned. Shaha lor’ma :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed: :crescent_moon:


I really wish Blizzard would go back and make their timeline more realistic.

For example, in the short story ’ Of Blood and Honor’ Tirion Fordring was described as being 50 years old and had served the Alliance for 30 years as a Paladin. It also stated that at the start of the events of that book that it had been nearly 12 years since the end of the Second War.

This meant that Tirion Fordring was roughly 20 years old when the Second War started and he became a paladin, and the Second War lasted a total of almost 18 years. And that makes a lot of sense when you consider how long it would have taken for the Horde to marshal their forces and march/sail North, especially since they had to build a naval armada, which would have taken time.

Taelan Fordring is also described as being 5 years old at the beginning of the novel, but by the final chapter he’s a young man of 20 when he takes his vows to join the Silver Hand, meaning there’s a 15 year gap there as well. Meaning that the rough total of years that passed between the Second and Third War was actually around 27 years, and the time between the start of the Second War and the start of the Third War was 45 years.


Presumably that has more or less been retconned. Warcraft 1-2 was about 8 years in total according to Chronicles. Which based on Erudician’s post is now the “canon” version.

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Yeah I’m aware of the retcon, which is why I wish they’d go back and revise it, make it canon again and actually give realistic time frames for these major conflicts.


I wish they would too. I don’t understand their reasoning for making conflict unbelievably short.

That timeline for the First & Second Wars i even have a hard time accepting. Especially if there’s no longer the 6 year gap between them. Or really any gap at all.

Lol, why is it so hard to say that you have no budget or care enough to update old places and feel the need of sugarcoating that fact.

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How the hell did you manage to pull that from what he said?

If anything, that confirms that the resettlement of Gilneas will be an event that occurs in-game, not one that just ‘happens off-screen’ with a pre-patch or novel.


No, it just means that unless there is another revamp of the old world we are likely never going to see it.



And again with the whole ‘pulling stuff out of thin air’.

We literally just did a quest chain in 9.2.5 which showed the Forsaken reclaiming Lordaeron, or at least the upper levels of it and Brill. What makes you think a ‘full world revamp’ would be required for retaking Gilneas or other similar events?

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Well as much as I like this time skip, it is hard to swallow…
why? well I can understand that the regions are time locked for obvious reasons but the old world( EA Kingdoms and Kalimdor ) needs to be revisited they’re the SOUL of warcraft, not the shadowlands or the dragon isles( these places are forgotten the moment a new expansion is hit, the old world is not). ppl want to live their lives as a tauren in the wide open of the barrens, retake teramore as a human, go on an adventure in the dark forests of Silverpine, help rebuilding Quel’thalas.

that would be a great time to introduce not only new characters, taking out some old fellas( malf thats you) but give meaning to the passage of time by showing us that the world has moved on from those troubled times.

you could introduce Housing and I know that it is dificult to re-do the entire world but it is necessary cuz now you don’t need to integrate all maps to a single world ending enemy, like in the cataclysm. let each and every zone have their little problem that can or not lead into the greater picture.
man you could even elevate some maps to the maximum level so ppl has a place to level up their toons.

anyways new mmo’s are coming and I hope wow not only survives but thrive in the new years to come. survival is not enough.


Ah right, my bad. 2 is unforgiveable, not 1. 1 is just an oopsie doodle teehee.
