I'm in favor of the timeskip

The story of Thalyssra and Lor’themar’s wedding should be required reading for Dragonflight, with an in-game prompt on login requiring players to confirm that they’ve read it (similar to the social contract), as well as being made to answer an in-depth questionnaire that confirms they’ve retained the information contained within the story.

Also, I hope now that Thalyssra is moving up in the world, that she will be afforded a unique model, as the one that she currently possesses is nearly identical to an open-world mob in Suramar. Lor’themar deserves a bride with a unique model.


Wow… we’re still sticking with this angle?


At the very least she should trade up titles to Grand Magistrix Thalyssra. She can throw her bridesmaid Valtrois a bone and make her first arcanist. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


So basically when you re-add sylvanas immediately as a redeemed hero it wont have been 5 minutes, it’ll have been 5 years.

Reminder sylvanas is worse than arthas or garrosh and also deserves permanent super double death.


Thanks for the laugh


On one hand, Valtrois living in Thalyssra’s former estate as First Arcanist along with Stellagosa would be very cute, but I’m going to need Thalyssra to actually accomplish something of greater importance besides marrying Lor’themar (and deposing Elisande) to be granted the title of Grand Magistrix.

Dragonflight would be a perfect opportunity to have a power-up/artifact fall into Thalyssra’s hands that would compliment the title of Grand Magistrix. Do I expect her to warp reality and time like Elisande did with the power of the Nightwell? No, but she needs to do more than conjure a shield every once in a while, and certainly much more to be Grand Magistrix.


It would be nice if we the players could experience some of the getting back to normal part like with the addition of player housing and helping to quell different issues in various areas, like settling things in Westfall or the fighting in the Barrens.


An actual lore clarification in a thread I started? Wow, nice.


Genocide of an entire race?

Oh she didnt commit literal genocide? Tried to help a guy destroy fully literally all of reality?

Shoot my bad. Carry on dude.


Well, not worse… more like, …dumber.

Zovaal: I created the Legion, which created the Horde, who ransacked your homeland and killed your beloved little brother!

Sylvanas: Okay.

Zovaal: (blinks) They also created the Scourge, which ransacked your home even harder, killed the entirety of your remaining family beyond your sisters, and personally sentenced you to a living hell as undead!

Sylvanas: Okay.

Zovaal: (now frowning) And you will be in a subservient position in my organization! Like Denethrius, who I abandoned to his fate the moment he was of no further use to me!

Sylvanas: Okay.

Zovaal: (now literally spelling it out) ‘Subservient’ means that you will serve me.

Sylvanas: SERVE!!?? NOOOOOOOOOO! (finally turns against him)

Zovaal: (clapping sarcastically as arrows just bounce of his fully-empowered armored form) Behold the tactical genius of Silvermoon’s Ranger General, everyone!


Some of the stuff has already been said in game for example the retaking of southshore, the rebuilt kingdom of stromgarde, eversong and clearing out scrouge in areas, wetlands and menethil harbor having been flooded for years. When do we get to see some of the zones that were hit by the cataclysm and we being repaired by the citizens of Azeroth fixed. We have characters go from kids to adults in the time it has taken to build a fort in old zones near home bases but on places like pandaria it is like a week of a day


Arthas comitted 2 successful genocides. Just a friendly reminder that y’all want to leave out for some reason

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Is the repopulation of Gilneas really something that warrants a patch in-game? Most people just want Gilneas to be a usable RP space with some standard NPC commodities to make it close enough to a city to be used as a “home” area.
I don’t think people really care about seeing the Gilneans moving back in.

I think the code for gilneas is broken. Explains why the place is still so buggy after all these years.

But, I think people just want gilneas to populated again so people can RP there. Most I know don’t care how that actually happens though

RP space and they like the idea of the Worgen/Alliance having the territory again.

Personally, I’d love to see a rebuilt Theramore that’s aligned with gilneas built over the ruins of the old one.

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So I guess my characters are homeless for three years, with nothing to do. Not like they would take the time to Build A House somewhere, to: settle down, retire, show off trophies, etc. Shame there wasn’t an in-game reason to add a feature like player housing.


Well, yeah. Mainly it being a alliance territory again. Plus, like you said, a RP spot. Be nice if they did update it eventually though, it’s a pretty place

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Looks at all the blood elves everywhere, as well as people demanding high elves be made playable Alliance characters.
Looks at all (okay, it’s actually probably just a couple of LOUD people) demanding the remains of Lordaeron being reclaimed for the Alliance due to all the surviving humans.

Okay, he made the effort, but I dunno about ‘successful’.

Finds random worgen digging away in my backyard garden.

“No! Bad! Go Home!” points in random direction

“But, but!..” the random worgen mumbled.

Claps hands together to hurt their ears “NO! BAD! GO HOME!”

“But, but!..”

Turns on garden hose and sprays them with it


I mean, wiping 90% of their population is a pretty good job, all things considered

But lets not derail the thread. It’s nice that a dev actually answered us :dracthyr_heart:

90% of the blood elf population died. Genocides being “successful” meaning that every single member of a race is wiped out is a misnomer. Caesar committed one of the most successful genocides in history against the Gallic people’s of modern day France, killing untold millions and depopulating the region comparatively until the 1800s. But he didn’t literally wipe out every single Gaul.

Arthas’s genocides against the human kingdoms and Quel’thalas are a feat of blood shed that is only matched in lore by the Old Horde against the Draenei.