I'm Having a Great Time

With all the whiny posts, thought i’d add in some counterbalance.

PvP on my server has been great (Bigglesworth). I feel we tip horde a bit, which makes me sad, but alliance are far from helpless. They constantly get into murder balls (though it’s terrible honor) and wreck zones. We tend to flip control of zones fairly consistently. One group holds until the other rallies and wipes, rinse, repeat.

Even though it’s a high/full server, I’m able to get like 50+ 1v1s a day in the plaguelands. I get camped a lot because the people I murder as a lock tend to group up and try and farm me. I usually just rezz an try to take one out before the other kills me, but for larger groups i just invis pot away. I probably spend ~25% of my time dead as I also suicide bomb into 5-10 mans whenever possible.

Yesterday, I found a 10 man, tried to unload on a lock before his group reacted, got him to 10% and then sapper charge killed him, and i died immediately after. One of my favorite kills ever. Desperately wish i could say “witness me” to alliance.

I even won a 1v3 vs rogue/warr/hunter. They weren’t very good, obviously, but it felt great.

Frost Mage found out i was conflag and a well timed flame reflector make me epstein myself.

There’s the BRM farm if i want to get a ton of honor but mindlessly grind, there’s constant raid fights in feralis at the choke point/DM entrance if i wanted to be a ganker and get no honor, but the 1-5 man fights are what i enjoy, and there’s tons of it.


Great you are having a fun time man, unfortunately lot of other people aren’t.

Their only option is to reroll as the dominant faction on a PvP server. That way they can get to and from dungeons with ease, whilst having confidence that they are on the winning side of a 5:1 server.


Couldn’t even go 1 post before someone made it about crying.

PvP servers are supposed to make PvE almost unplayable, that’s the point of wpvp and why you can’t transfer to PvP from PvE (because it’s an unfair gear advantage). I wouldn’t recommend anyone playing on a dominant faction, there’s more cons than pros. Just don’t be on a server that’s 1:10 leaning, there really aren’t many of them, and those effected are mathematically the vast minority.


[citation needed]


Yeah people always remark at how gungho I am when it comes to charging into waves of enemies…that’s how world pvp should be. Not this timid pappy engagement that I tend to see people do.

If you’ve ever seen the 1961 movie Yojimbo (starring Toshiro Mifune), there is literally a scene where both sides are too scared to engage and it’s this pitiful back and forth. That’s what I keep seeing in Southshort/Tarren Mill “raids”.

So, in total, keep up the good work!

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Historically every MMORPG and server from 1990-2007?

I know WoW instanced their pvp (arena/bgs) so a lot of people have forgotten, but that was fundamentally the difference between what a PvE server and PvP server was. If you wanted to PvE, you went PvE, you could still pvp, obviously, but there was far less. PvP servers are exclusively for wpvp, which sacrifices people’s ability to PvE by a substantial margin.

TM/SS has been dead since day two. Literally almost no one pvps there now because raid based pvp is horrible honor.

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What you just wrote is an opinion not a fact.

Fact of the matter is that vanilla wasn’t designed to support the capacity of Classics population. What we have now is a giant poo show that is not a reflection of how it was back in 04-06. Simply because the servers had far less people on them.


So you’re telling me, that people in vanilla on pvp servers were geared the same as pve servers, and that the two seperate systems didn’t have a dramatic impact on both pvp and pve?

Sure, the servers aren’t designed to support the capacity of classic population, but it just exacerbates what’s already fundamentally there.

50 1v1s on Bigglesworth, i need proof. I haven’t been attacked 1v1 yet.


I was in a raiding guild back in 06, one of many in my PvP server, and there were players decked out in PvE gear.

However what we have now is a inflated server, roughly the equivalent of:

So using this scale, imagine the population on a high and full server in Classic. The core gameplay has remained the same, but the servers population inflated.

The game is simply unplayable for a lot of people my man. It shouldn’t take 45 minutes to run into a dungeon, whilst in the process losing party members due to being corpse camped.

It never happened in Vanilla as there simply wasn’t enough players to cause such havoc.

Western Plaguelands, Start from Bulwark, follow the roads. Go down through Anderhall towards Chillwind, go to EPL, head to LHC (skip LHC if you want 1v1s) go up towards undead entrance, go back down in reverse towards Bulwark.

I see both horde and alliance solo running constantly, and at the very least you’ll see me.

It’s unplayable for the vast minority of people, but seemingly most forum posters.

Let’s just look at the math, it’s the MINORITY faction that struggles to get into BRM. and only for servers where it’s what, 1:5?

Not to mention not all servers are PvP. And not everyone who’s alliance on those servers feel that way, some people like being vastly outnumbered. (people used to transfer to servers like that when they wanted HWL cause it was way less of a time investment)

I don’t know what to tell you man, Blizzard opened PvE to PvP transfers in 2008 because of the PvE differences and the advantages a PvE had over the vast majority of PvP players. So according to Blizzard, that was the state of the game at that time.

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This is logically inconsistent. If no one can PvE then there is no route to endgame. PvP servers have more focus on wPvP and random combat, they aren’t meant to make large portions of the world unusable. DAoC kept the leveling zones almost entirely separate from the realm war, and they did RvR (read: PvP) way better.


those people shouldn’t have rolled pvp, they knew what was coming, or at least should have suspected. Classic doesn’t exist in a vacuum.


Could it be 1) you are 60, and 2) horde

Not true! You can also reroll as the lesser dominant faction on a PvP server. You could also reroll on a more balanced server, or a PvE server.

There are even options beyond that!

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First off, we can’t compare the masterpiece that was DAoC with this game. DAoC was a pvp based mmorpg, PvE only existed to support the pvp/rvr effort. That’s why they had 3 factions instead of 2, so that you wouldn’t have population imbalances like wow, the two minority sides could just gang up on the majority and slaughter them. Not to mention PvP servers in DAoC allowed you to quest in ALL faction zones, where WoW still forces you to be a part of your faction.

Also people camped leveling zones all the time Mag Mell and Cotswold were starter areas and constantly camped.

There’s no difference between a PvE server or playing as the dominant faction on a PvP server.

Yeah, which is why no one wants dominant factions. 1:2 at most is a healthy balance.

People cry about being the minority faction, but being on a 1:10 server is just as cancerous for both sides.

Of course, but at least by being on the 10:1 server the game can be played.

Im on a low pop server and after this weeks experience there’s honestly no point in logging on until the 10th of Dec.

yeah, but most of the players that are complaining aren’t 60 yet, or even remotely close to 60. Tell me how that’s great for them?