I'm Happy Jaina and Shandris is getting the Spotlight within Patch 8.2

Well good thing I’m trust level 2! (Never to be trust level 3, I guess, because I got a 24hr suspension more than a year ago and Blizz can never let go of the past! Sorry, that still upsets me. I want to know what secrets the Trust Level 3 forum holds.)


Some people said they were suspended and still are trust level 3, maybe it is because of another requirement ( I think old past suspensions don’t count)

Trust lvl 3 takes something like 20,000 posts read in a time frame of 100 days I think. You have to read the forums pretty regularly. If you take a forum break for a few months, you won’t get it.

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Yeah, the new forums are very stupid, and have a lot of stupid quirks, like the ability to brigade upvote your own posts, and edit other people’s quotes.


I don’t see what you mean :angel:


They really double down on the “Like” stupidity though. After 20ish likes a day, you get a warning saying “You’ve Liked too many people today, soon you will be cut off!” Unless of course you swap to every alt, which then allows you to Like 50x more…

What problem did they solve by (failing to) putting a cap on Likes?

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I think it is to avoid “grinding” one requirement of trust level 3 too fast, typical Blizzard


Fun detected, deploying 5 more reputation gates.


She’s in charge of keeping the Wind’s Redemption nice and swept up.

“To the Void with that dust bunny!”

Can’t wait to see what the half baked excuse that’ll be forced onto the Alliance to keep them from finishing off the Horde first before going after Azshara will be.

Or is “Azshara gets top billing now” going to be all the explanation we’re expected to need to forget that the Alliance was crushing the Horde and allegedly only weeks away from final victory?

I get that they wrote themselves into a corner with that line and like always they’ll just forget that it was a thing the instant it becomes a problem, but still. Closure to this mess of a faction war would be nice.


Beating the stuffings out of Azshara will presumably cost the Alliance so much that “Revenge on the Horde” will have to be the title of the next Expac Which presumably will start by Anduin taking over Sylvannas’ role as kill-crazy villain.

After he split open like an egg?


This man gets it.

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Idk if I’d consider “we made the problem worse” by releasing N’zoth half baked.

Wallurian my boy… what were you hoping to accomplish with this? Not only is this just a post that offers no discussion past your strange hatred of Tyrande (that really has no basis past her daring to question Anduin’s great human conglomerate), but you’re clearly not confident enough in your own opinion to trust that other people will agree with you. So instead, you’ve gone ahead and used your other characters… did you think we wouldn’t notice? Did you not know we can check? Did you not think somebody wouldn’t see that Wallurian and Daiforas are on Wyrmrest Accord? I am too, by the way, and I’m ashamed to share it with you after this.

Is it because you’re afraid of the Male Human Paladin meme? It can’t be that, because here…

… we see you reinforcing the meme you bemoan so much (and we also see that the only person who liked that comment is ALSO you). Bit hypocritical, no? Understand, Wallurian - nobody cares about this strange crusade against Tyrande that you have. It’s not a discussion, it’s just your personal opinion. I hate Sylvanas, but I wouldn’t think to make a post about how much I hate her and nothing else - because I know that many people do like her, and me being sick of her is not grounds for her removal from the story.

This is all pretty sad to be honest, but I leave you with this; if you’re going to like your own posts to try and make your opinion seem more valid, do it on characters you’ve actually leveled. Allow me to demonstrate.

Edit: For the record, most of these likes aren’t mine.



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Why is your head so small?

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Me am dumb.

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Oh, so humans steal the way some orcs talk too, now?

What more you people want from us?!


The mask. Give it.