Im gonna say it

i miss pre nerf torghast. there, i said it


I like easy mode.


The recommended ilvls for 11 and 12 are pretty high… so you may get something closer to that.

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TK though, will mitigate the difficulty. Players will still clear Torghast layer 12 well under the recommended item level.

Go make a frost mage, and do pre nerf torghast. Evening wasted

Where were you with feedback like this when Blizz needed it?!

Why did they have to make it one or the other? Keep the soul ash reward the same and give people the option for hard mode torghast or easy mode torghast.

There was a hard mode torghast?

I’m looking forward to it. Maybe I’ll finally be able to finish the Twisted Corridors.

When it was 1st released it was fairly challenging at the higher layers, but some people cried that it was too hard for them and they couldn’t solo it. They cried and cried and cried until blizzard nerfed it.


I never really did Torghast after failing out of the last floor and losing my hour or however much 2-3 times, it straight up reminded me of painful everquest. One of the suckiest things that’s ever sucked is watching a chunk of my life drain away entirely because I picked up the wrong buff and now it’s mathematically impossible to proceed.

Seems they got the memo though, I’m sure I’ll actually craft some legendaries now. Bring on the catchup!

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don’t drink and post…

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Man, I remember the mage in general chat throwing a gosh damn temper tantrum because 8 was too hard.

“Go do 6s then” says I. Because honestly the difference was like…one legendary from launch til now if you did 8s instead of 6s. I highly doubt 99% of people even would have noticed a single difference.

But omg, he had to run 8s or Torghast was awful or something. As unrewarding as Torghast was(…is? Heck if I know) Blizzard did a solid job of front-loading rewards so you didn’t HAVE to push beyond what you wanted. You wouldn’t be missing out on much by not running the bleeding edge. We could argue that’s a bad thing, but I think it’s been pretty solid design scheme overall.

They applied similar style to AP grinds in previous expansions, where you COULD try-hard your way along, but frankly there wasn’t really much point to doing so.


Right? I got my 1 legendary at the start of SL. Did TC 1 layer a day when it came out. Then did no more toghast until about 9.0.5, got a 2nd legendary, and have done 0 torghast since then.

I miss Torghast pre Pally powers getting beaten with the Nerf Bat

I miss Legion :frowning:

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torghast got nerfed?

From just a couple posts above

For the specific changes post

well aim high is what the Air Force tells us