I'm going to the Horde!

This guy gets it. I paid for a 2 faction disaster. I am GETTING a 2 faction disaster.


Don’t give up! Since Blizz won’t allow us to be neutral, I’m thinking of making my high elf guild a Horde guild. When we get blue eyes we will truly be high elves since there’s nothing else physiologically different from blood elves.

I’m a bit biased on this one, but…
Good for you, Orc hype!

When Blizzard uses this as a marketing promotional I hope they pay you a royalty because that summarizes the last 15 years succinctly.

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Well then welcome ab-Horde! Haha!

Just a little Horde humor. We have fun here!

Get that moldy Forsaken bread!

So much this. I have seen a lot of great responses on the forums but this is the best! 10 out of 10!

My problem is moving my Horde toons from my original server over to WrA. I guess I could be sharded in by joining a group on the Horde side on our RP server. Probably should just level up some alts on Horde WrA as well!

Fox People are great!
Welcome aboard!

Not to rain on anyone else’s parade, but wouldn’t that just be a blood elf guild at that point? Horde high elves are blood elves after all. What separates them is politics at this point.

Or is the idea more of a neutral guild, but it’s on the Horde without an Alliance counterpart?


More or less this, given the current story trajectory, Belves are more or less Helves, but just wearing red

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I don’t know at this point. I’m thinking it would be made up of high elves who were once Alliance but came back to the Horde later, if that makes sense.

I think that’d make them Blood Elves though. Past allegiance doesn’t seem like it supersedes current allegiance. That said, I think exploring the idea of High Elves returning to Quel’Thalas, and in the process being forced to join the Horde, has some merit to explore. I can think of any number of reasons that recent events might cause some High Elves to reconsider such things.

I wish you luck with your guild!

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Welcome to the Good Guys.

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Yeah it’s totally ideological and political these days.

I think calling yourself a High Elf on Hordeside though could be perceived as an insult. Prince Kael’thas renamed the High Elves to the Blood Elves to acknowledge the fallen of Quel’thalas - 90% of the population having died when the Scourge overran the kingdom.

The High Elves only made themselves distinct by refusing to take on and use fel energy, and even protesting against it. They also protested the idea that elves would be a part of the Horde, given the history of animosity between the factions. So in a sense, High Elves held themselves to “higher” standards.

To return to Quel’thalas with that attitude, calling yourself a High elf, could be perceived as spitting on the sacrifice of the vast majority of the elven population who died in the Scourge invasion, as well as inadvertently claiming that you see yourself as “better” than the Blood Elves.

The difference between High Elves and Blood Elves is not physical at this point. It’s about political allegiance and beliefs regarding use of magic. Thus, imo, a blue eyed blood elf is still a blood elf, just one whose fel corruption has worn off. A blue eyed High Elf is most likely Alliance, and most likely opposed to the actions of the Blood Elves over the years, thus wanting to claim they are distinct.

If you’re aiming for a neutral guild I’d advise making something crossfaction (as in, making a version of the guild on both alliance and horde) and calling it something to do with Thalassian Unity, thus welcoming High Elves, Blood Elves and Void Elves alike.


This was my thinking too, but at the same time I don’t want to come off as policing what people can and can’t RP, you know? I think a Horde guild of High Elves who are a neutral group that exists to support Quel’Thalas or something, but not the rest of the Horde, could be an interesting concept to run with, though I can’t imagine many Blood Elves being thrilled about it.

Either way though, to each their own.

Yeah I mean I’m not going to go on some crusade to prevent people RPing it or anything, but that’d be my two cents on it from a Blood Elven point of view. Walking into Silvermoon and proclaiming yourself to be a High Elf… some people are going to be VERY unhappy with that In Character.

Thing is, I’ve done that several times and nobody has cared at all.


That emoji is apparently called…Japanese goblin.

I don’t know how this makes me feel.