I'm going to the Horde!

One: Because I’m starting to get bored and really want to experience the Horde story very much.

Two: I miss Orcs, and other races.

Three: I really want to unlock Fox People.

Four: I also want to be part of the Blood Elf and Undead Community and etc races. My Pointless debates and rants about the Alliance not having Pure High Elves was pointless and I want to start a New Beginning.

I’m heading back to the Horde Faction and I can’t wait to get my Shaman to mix level.


Five: spikey horse

Have fun! Be good!

Six: You actually get to have interesting leaders who aren’t boot lickers to Anduin Wrynn. Oh wait…

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Say hello to the smell for me


I mean, SL is setting it up that you get blue leaders acting more autonomously, so there is that.

Come now, we all know they will either recede back into Anduin’s hive mind like in BfA or either be painted as being wrong and potentially villain batted.

Given how heavily Blizzard is teasing a Tyranny of the Light expansion since the Xe’ra thing in Legion, and the fact that the Alliance’s core religion involves the light and the Scarlets are coming back…

I think we all know it’s scooting itself towards the later. I’d actually put money on it since Blizzard has a pattern of putting a faction big bad in power the expansion before they drive the villain truck off a cliff… and Turalyon got promoted…

I’d actually love to see them setup Turalyon like he is going to be the big bad, but it ends up being Anduin. He just slips and cracks under the pressure and loses himself to the Light and we end up killing him. Let us finally be rid of the Wrynn family and their taint on the Alliance.



Turalyon is an old crusty character who takes up space we could use for a character who didn’t have their story end two decades ago in the RTS.


Fine kill Turalyon too and let Stormwind descend into chaos with the House of Nobles now up in arms trying to decide who should be the new king/queen of Stormwind.

Meanwhile the Alliance then decides it needs a new High King, or Council like the Horde, and decide, “Huh, maybe we shouldn’t give the title to an 18 year old teenager.”

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I mean, sounds like prime content right there, personally.

Now, pay no heed to my grand master plan to make Jaina Lord Protector of the Alliance.

That’s fine. As long as it isn’t Genn, I want him to remain King of Gilneas because that is the only representation we get. If he becomes High King or whatever worgen just become furry Stormwind Humans even more than Blizzard has already made them.


Orcs… aren’t all that great, man.

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Have fun. Bring a chair with you.

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I legit thought Exalted was a thin headed dwarf for a moment because of his mog in the avatar.

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Sir, I will have you know I’m a normal-headed human.

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Hey Man. Remember the Orcish Clans. I’m pretty sure Orcs are really Awesome in terms of Lore, Life style, and etc.

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I remain unconvinced.

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Do what I do and play both factions like a filthy centrist