I'm going to go buy a watermelon

Don’t ruin that good watermelon by adding feta cheese, salad dressing or other nonsense. Please.

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I am a sane doggy. I eat my watermelon raw.

Though, I have heard whispers of people eating it with salt, and I’ll admit the idea crossed my mind. But I don’t want to ruin my watermelon experience.

Chili, lime and salt.

I ended up buying a little collapsable wheeled cart thing for exactly this purpose. It’s still a bit rocky with the dodgy sidewalks around here but it makes it possible to do a substantial grocery trip without a car or even a bike.

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You could just drive to Target. There’s a grocery store just two blocks from my house, but I still drive to it with my car.

Girl, please. I live in Portland. I don’t own a car.

Plus, I get exercise daily for not driving.

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