I'm glad RDF isnt in the game. Thank you for hearing my voice Blizzard

This entire post is an opinion base on your subjective qualification of features. in my subjective opinion its the opposite. lets disagree and let blizzard decide.

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We dont have to, blizzard has decided what wrath will be.

If you trust Blizzard in 2022, then you’re very ignorant. Blizzard quality isn’t a thing anymore and hasn’t been in a very long time. It’s only through significant feedback and the arrogance of Blizzard finally relenting and following said feedback by the end of an expansion that they provide a halfway decent product.


Let’s support our respective sides and make sure Blizzard knows their player base holds opinions one way or another on a core feature

Ahh. But then we had different ideas of what constitutes wrath to begin with didn’t we?

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It’s not Blizzard that is going to decide. It’s the playerbase. Blizzard is the one that delivers the product - they aren’t the ones that determine if it’s quality or not. The consumers are.

That’s why you never trust the words of the producer when determining if you buy or not. They’re never going to tell you it’s not a good product.

Start a company and develop an mmo. or make a consulting firm and offer them your services. until then your opinion doesnt mean any more than any other person here on the forums.

What a strange deflection. It seems to me you have no reply as to why trusting Blizzard is an ignorant and foolish thing to do.


You aren’t arguing logic or reasoning. You are arguing scale. That’s totally different and subjective.

Timeline isn’t a “bad argument” at least from those like myself that want to see it added alongside ICC. Like it or not it wasn’t even a major feature in wrath it was a major feature in 3.3, which was 60% the way through patch cycles.

Then we would circle back to where we were before. There’s already a game with RDF and it’s retail. My position is that classic shouldn’t have it is consistent with the reason for classic existing - because they want subs that wont play retail.

(They’re apparently a ripoff of some other forum troll)

O thats where youre verrrrry wrong, so this entitlement seems like its coming from a libertarian protest with your wallet side… ooooo boy lets just watch how this plays out then hunny im sure your world veiw and economic knowledge will definitely prove right here

Whew you’re falling apart :rofl:

The problem with your whole concept of classic here is that it is ambiguous and can be interpreted differently by anyone.

Which completely breaks down your entire logic to begin with.

I don’t think this justifies any stance w.r.t. RDF. Basically what Donkaa said earlier is the appropriate response, you can like one feature of retail that’s not in classic without preferring retail altogether.

You think using a hose to put out a house fire is logical?

It was a major feature of Wrath because 3.3 was part of Wrath. What a strange suggestion, that because it wasn’t in day 1, it can’t be considered a major feature. It’s also one of the things people remember most from Wrath because of the impact it had on the playerbase as a whole - whether negative or positive.

I don’t associate RDF much with Wrath but I also didn’t play through the ICC content drought. This depends highly on personal experience.

I’m not arguing that Wrath will fail. There’s no way it will, there are a huge amount of players that want to play Wrath for a variety of reasons - having access to RDF will make or break it for some people (whether they will play because it’s not there or won’t play if/when it’s put back in), but that’s not the sole determining factor. It’s also a Blizzard game, and even if they have a dwindling consumer base, they still have a core fanbase. I’m arguing that Wrath Classic could be more successful than it likely will due to Blizzard’s poor handling, just as with Classic and TBCC with the rampant botting and RMT.

Being condescending and dismissive is a poor look for you.

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oh yeah no, actually the " 5head I represent the stockholders and they owe me what i want" take is the silliest thing, its been constantly regurgitated to no avail in everything from hobby lobby to the MCU to wow classic (apparently) and so giving them a pat on the head and comforting them them that they’ll definitely “get there’s” in the end against a multibillion dollar company is all you can do lol

Try again, but with punctuation and some amount of coherence please

We got flying mount combat… everyones favorite dungeon to get RFDed into…the occulus! (and EoE Malygos final phase).

As to RFD its not bad, its good. It gets people online playing their mains for badges and opens up abilities for leveling alts to do dungeons and gear up without spamming LFG for an hour and having the group memebers out of time before they even get to the entrance.
There is just as much opportunity for social interaction in RFD. Just as much as there is in LFM tank and never speaking beyond “inv” “summon” “gg” which is the state of the game today.
Would it be better cross server or server limited, we can have a disscussion on that, and would depend on server population.
But blanket “omg itll ruin the game” is unfounded. I SEE THE OPPOSITE. I see after the initial rush to 80 and Heroic gear/rep on mains is raid logged Mains and no one touching the “old content” of heroics except on an alt, a dead leveling experience where solo questing is the only way, and a massive entry barrier to raiding on an alt having been unable to find, let alone get into dungeon groups so they are stuck in quest greens till they RMT for GDKP gold or otherwise get a full carry.
Ruin the game? yeah RDF (lack of) is going to ruin the game.