Yes it is. You’re telling us that we have to suck it up and work around it and that’s us telling you exactly the same thing.
Classic is already not authentic. to a small ish degree correct, but a larger degree when you compare the player ecosystem.
a game having features isnt an existential threat to anyone youre correct.
we’ll see how that goes!
to you personally. and you arent owed any sort of compelling reasoning, noone is responsible to answer to you for any way the game is or isnt made.
It does. its a done subject. the developer admits it does. gaslighting doesnt help you.
Hey, Etc was right!
“Suck it up and work around it” while playing the same game, vs. “suck it up and stop playing entirely”. In the first, you still have 90%+ of your gameplay exactly the same. In the second, 90%+ of our gameplay changes.
Not the same logic.
she was! she saw a thing and knew it was a thing! hooray! my aim is that you recognize it when youre tempted to type it next time.
As authentic as possible was the goal in Classic, and that was the most popular version.
Also, the player ecosystem being wildly different is another argument for RDF.
Nobody mentioned an existential threat. This sounds like a strawman.
We already have a good idea how it’s going. The more people that get into beta, the more people hating the LFG system.
No, it’s just clear that you’re clearly sensitive to people making criticisms to poorly constructed (probably trolling) arguments for why people should cater to your play style
you said “hurting other players” by which you mean advocating against a gameplay experience they arent owed by a company. noone is being hurt or harmed.
fixed for you
“Blizzard is always right and you guys are wrong” is some OG-style trolling. Gotta love it
How much it impacts is irrelevant. You’re mindset is the same, deal with it and do the alternative. You can keep saying it’s not the same until the cows come home but “Just don’t use the feature if you don’t like it” and “Just play retail if you don’t like classic” is the same reasoning. You can argue how consequential that reasoning is but it’s the same.
As for how much it would influence gameplay that’s entirely debatable. It’s a core design philosophy decision and clearly not something small just because you want to see it added clearly by the almost constant argument that it creates.
“Aren’t owed”, is a poor argument when it comes to this discussion, as they don’t owe us anything. However, if they expect people to keep playing and paying, they need to provide a quality product. And this decision, for many, is providing a lower quality product.
The people looking forward to Wrath who wanted and expected RDF are definitely being harmed, though not physically. Especially their time, effort, and money investment.
never said that. i clearly said “blizzard is doing x… this is why” YOu say " Why isnt a reason" and our answer is “Clearly it is because blizzard is doing x”
Not sure what you dont get about this.
they’ll determine what that quality is.
To what, the original WOTLK which didn’t have this feature until about 60% the way through its patch cycles?
Through the help of consumers like us
It absolutely is. That’s like arguing, “just use the hose” when watering your garden and when trying to put out a house fire is the same logic. It’s simply not, one is sound logic, the other is laughable.
That’s the thing - we do like Classic. There’s just a major change that we don’t like, and that’s why we’re giving feedback on it.
Well given the only people playing Wrath for the last 10+ years demanded RDF, I would think it’s quite an impact.
To what it could be, and yes, compared to OG Wrath.
Timeline is also a bad argument since we’ve gotten other major features earlier than originally released.
I have no interest in playing on a small server so this is already an after thought for me.
Why does the act of getting a group and completing dungeons need to be some capstone event. Its not end game content by any stretch lol.
Me too, and RDF allows me to enjoy more of the game casually.
Nah, Wrath was my favorite expansion as it was then. Instead they have changed it, I have tried other games and none of them feel as good as Wrath. My view points are not compatible…I was super stoked about Wrath Classic since the announcement of Classic all those years ago. Them making Wrath a watered down version of itself with the removal of RDF is just demotivating. I will only do heroics with my guild in Wrath and when I have what I need from them I will not run dungeons anymore because without RDF what is the point?
And if I told you…
Go play classic or retail if you don’t like wrath?
closer to 50% but sure.