I'm glad RDF isnt in the game. Thank you for hearing my voice Blizzard

What would you prefer to do?

Nothing keeps you from queueing with your easy gotten groups into the tool and enjoy the rewards.

do a lot of content in one night which would be impossible with cross server LFD.

Unless you keep remaking the above mentioned groups, which would mean your ‘community’ keeps breaking apart, its literally no different. You can chain-queue your premade group using the tool and its no different than manually getting there. If one or two people have to go the tool provides a much faster replacement to keep going, one that might even be from your server :D. Also, battlenet tags are a thing to add people over now unlike during the original run. If you want to keep this interaction then asking for premades to be enabled using Battlenet tag would make much more sense than removing LFD.


Sorry, I hadn’t seen your post. I didn’t mean to ignore you <3

It’s weird to tell people it’s optional and then to use it anyway. Honestly it’s just incoherent.

It’s optional

But if you don’t use it you don’t get the advantages

If you want the advantages just use it

So if you want to be competitive with people who are using it, exactly what are your options? Manually form the group and then use the tool for the advantages for which you have absolutely no other alternative.

I think what you’re really saying is “you have the option to not be competitive with me”

Have tbc’s groupmaking dynamics move forward into wotlk especially for the 1st 3 phases of content

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Because playing the game is more fun than not being able to play the game? Anything that allows you to play relatively trivial content more is a plus IMO.


Nothing stops you from just playing retail. If you don’t like classic, don’t play it. That’s your logic.

the more you fit in, the more trivial it becomes tho. Writing a book in 1850 was reletively trivial, its farm more convenient and trivial both now.

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I mean I don’t mind doing it that way. My groups will be largely premade with guildies so the only thing that affects it is the fact that we just have to fly there, which isn’t all that inconvenient. Its just simply faster with RDF.

I think RDF has most of its advantage given to lower level players wishing to level up via dungeons who cant fly/mount up to the dungeon.

oh yes i wouldnt mind rdf for all normals sort of what is currently successful in shadowlands.

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I actually appreciate the honest argument saying it’s a good QOL tool instead of the reductionist arguments people like to use to make people that dislike RDF easier to attack. The reason you have for wanting the tool is totally understandable.

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Nothing stops you from just playing retail.

Aside from monetary cost, hard drive space and wildly different content. It is not a very good analogy, as even retail doesn’t have LFD anymore anyways.

If you don’t like classic, don’t play it. That’s your logic.

Thats a trueism that doesn’t really add anything though. Of course the option to stop is always there, I didn’t think it needed to be pointed out because everyone already understands the unspoken option is to quit.

What? Random dungeons are (and should be) relatively trivial content that isn’t designed to be the end game; for many, it’s just a springboard to bigger and better content. Making dungeons inconvenient to run (to no discernable benefit) makes a less enjoyable game.


I’m simply pointing out that going to us and saying to just ignore the tool as it is if we dislike it as you have is exactly the same as me telling you to ignore classic if you dislike it.

So after you manually formed the group by meaningfully interacting with other people in your realm and socializing with them, how exactly does queueing from Dalaran or wherever they are hurt your preference of gameplay?

If its the travel time you can just as easily queue once you’re at the instance door, weird as that might be.

I understand you might be opposed out of principle to be ‘forced’ to use it, but what is the objective difference? I had assumed the main hurdle was it desincetivized social interaction during group making.

saying to just ignore the tool as it is if we dislike

Thats not what Im saying though.

If you dislike being grouped across servers / automatically, keep forming your own groups within your server. However, this is often met with “well, not enough people will want that!” which I point out to be proof that this change is then to the detriment of the majority of the player base.

I feel then that its easier for a minority to work around the existence of a tool that doesn’t limit them, than for the majority to be deprived of options to ease and enhance their access to group content. That is all.


I’m not speaking for my preferences.

The objective difference is interacting with an interface panel vs interacting with the game world.

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so making dungeons quick leads to doing other things faster. i get that. but it also leads to enjoying dungeons less, but for a shorter amount of time, which you say you dont enjoy them anyways, and thats reasonable. now i say i enjoy the entire process, and many or us do, making a group and going in through a dungeon, and getting loot. and rdf will diminish that experience.

but not enough to not sacrifice it for efficiency should the tool be implemented, per your previous admission.


yep i mean and I’m ffxiv’s target audience. i objectively love that game, and this right here is the dealbreaker for my why i level up do the story, do a raid on normal once then leave.

ohi already do that. i pug and dont do GDKPS. the absolute GULF between using the rdf tool and not is not something anyone will be realistically able to ignore and still play the end game they want to.

If you’re that worried about being along the curve for your server’s progression, you’re probably not doing /4 spamming anyways, and you’re running premades with your guild to progress. If anything, having RDF helps PUG people not have to wait on getting fished from LFD or having to spam /4 LFG.

And for lowbie dungeons (especially 10-70), there’s no reason to have that be as inconvenient as possible to the point leveling as tank or healer is just playing on hard mode.