Im glad i quit classic era

Nothing but a bunch of neck beards who want to min max all the fun out of the game and refuse to have a real community in the game

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Good luck if you think SOD is any better.

Try HC, slower progression but more community based


If you’re not doing PVP you’re missing out, the PVE game has never been that good.


That’s a you problem.

If you look hard enough you just might find there’s people out there who value fun and community over maximum optimization


Depends on the guilds you run into. But yes there are a ton of older crowds who were there back in 04 and talk big game from back then but don’t perform in todays classic vanilla.

Everything is easy to me. But others make easy fights difficult for next to no reason with different strategies or assignments that don’t really click with others.

It’s very easy to let a neck beard take control of a guild and decisions, if you find this sort of thing just call it out and them out in server. Doing it here will just end badly.

I also assume you’re on the whitemane cluster? That place is full of neckbeards lol

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