I'm glad I play this game in english

Cool thank you!

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If a company cannot respect the culture where they are selling a product one of two things needs to happen.

  1. Don’t sell your product there
  2. Respect their culture

There is no middle ground on something like this.


That’s not just a romance language thing.

The Krauts have 3 genders (masculine, feminine, and true neuter) with cases for all of them. It’s crazy.

Of course, these are the same people who have nine different ways of pluralizing nouns.

But I digress.

I think, if I follow your OP correctly, it sounds like Blizz is trying to create some de-genderized language to fit with their new, goofy liberal American ideology, that conflicts inherently with the structural attributes of romance languages. Which, I would agree, is absurd. It also underscores something the deconstructionist liberals, who claim gender is a social construct, like to ignore: gender is neither sexual nor a social construct, but rather grammatical.


Yeah I grew up bilingual English French cause ma maman vient de Lyon mais inclusivity speech that we use in English literally doesn’t make any sense in many situations in French because like all Roman Languages, gender is a part of the syntax it’s a foundation of the language. And it isn’t tied to sex at all. A woman’s private area is a masculine noun in French for example. So when you start saying they them in French the way we do it in English the sentence is just a bunch of nonsense. It’s so foreign to how the language works that someone who only speaks it and doesn’t know anything about this new trend would think you’re stupid or have some sort of mental illness if you started talking like that to them in French.


it is cultural appropriation tbh


It’s more cultural oppression because trying to force a certain way of speaking into a language that requires specific structure, in this case gendered speech, is absolutely absurd. Like the OP, who speaks a cousin language to mine, it sounds like a bunch of jibber jabber. It’s completely absurd.


Yeah going into another culture and forcing them to speak as you and think as you has never happened in history, and if it has its always gone so well for those native people.


Seriously now, this is just disgusting and completely hypocritical by those “progressive” to push nonsense words onto other people’s and countries.

Pretty sure there’s a word for that that they use and throw at everyone they don’t agree with. Seems they are what they project.


i remember this coming up a while ago…the deleting of posts/silencing the crowd is 100% true and real.

that’s why it’s good to have people like Asmongold, who can’t be censored by Blizzard reps, cover these topics :100:

Honestly this is one of the things that drove me from the left and into the middle leaning right as I do now. There’s a hive mind mentality on the left. If your voice doesn’t match the hive, the bees begin to swarm you.


He has exactly 1 skill: taking a 2 on the drama scale, and turning it into an 11.

I prefer the neutral e terms instead of the latinx stuff. Makes more grammatical sense.

Btw languages evolve all the time to include preferences and updates with the society. So adding more nuetral terminology isn’t so bad imo. But yea I think it would be very confusing right now since that process is still being developed and shaped. Previously stuff like this didn’t take well. Bunch of english stuff today that didn’t exist a hundred years ago for example, so we make up new words as we need them and languages evolve over time.

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Oh my gosh, so mean.


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Don’t excuse a foreign language being changed by current American sociopolitical ideology.


I’ve always admired people that can speak two languages. They just seem like they’re on a whole other level than normal people.

Bonus points if they can speak more than two.


Languages evolve all the time. Spanish itself came from vulgar latin which was just he poor man’s spoken latin.

Languages change all the time as society needs certain words and syntax. So… it’s sort of ridiculous to bring this up. English also had genders more often in the past. A nuetral form to respect non-binary people isn’t so bad of an idea. It may also be useful in the future where it may be widely more accepting, or as maybe meeting aliens for example with different genders as well. So yea my thoughts on that statement.

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In graduate school, we started using EMPLEAD@S

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

Non-binary use cases are too niche to require an entire population to evolve a language that has always had two grammatical genders. The use of “they” as a non-binary pronoun in English is a bit non-grammatical but is still extended from a pronoun thay currently exists in English. Une has no precedent in Spanish and to the ears of a Spanish speaker is a very evidently an artificial construction.

You have a better shot of making fetch happen.


Old joke I heard from a Portuguese girlfriend a long time ago.

What do you call someone who can speak 3 languages?

What do you call someone that can speak 2 languages?

What do you call someone that can speak 1 language?

One would think Spanish and French would be common in the US, but it isn’t.


It’s a movement happening and headed by younger generations. Up to them and us to keep it up. Personally I prefer the es over the xs. Makes more sense grammatically.

Anyways yea personally wouldn’t mind just going nuetral and not remembering if everything is masculine/femine myself but that’s just cause I prefer english and like it’s nice that you don’t have to remember nouns genders and stuff. Spanish descends from latin which is gendered. Heck english used to be more gendered. Now there are very few gendered words and that’s nice for simplicity’s sake. Who knows how language will evolve in 1000 years. English/spanish probably won’t sound the same then if we still exist, new words are created yearly, if you go back 10 years ago you will be hearing different slang. And the old slang dies as generations do. We do not talk like people in the 50s for example, yet we have people alive from then.

Anyways, it’s something coming up with lgbtq/queer community and things like native american cultures such as two-spirit folk. Showing respect with an e is easy but just takes getting used to.

I believe this thread is over just one character that uses non-binary/gender nuetral pronouns. Majordomo Selistra. So yea it’s a niche case but also this is a niche thread so…


I took two years of Spanish but I didn’t pick it up :frowning: