I'm fine with 1.12 AV

Chillwind Camp, on the border of Alterac, is my AV. It is where I will claim the souls of many Allies. 1.5, 1.12, AV, no AV, it don’t matta. Sorrow Hill will be my toilet.

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AV 1.2: play traditional chess with each piece performing a certain function.

AV 1.12: Push all the pieces across the board at once and hope you do it quicker than your opponent.

IBGY and The Bridge would like a word.

Map choke points work every time if people D up.

Players choice, playas.

Nonsense. These folks need Blizzard to make everything perfect just for them. A Retail player’s mindset if ever I’ve heard one.

Having played the original Vanilla I think Blizzard is threading the needle here, but doing a fairly good job. There is no single version of AV that was perfect in those early days. I don’t know if people remember, but when Reinforcements were first introduced it caused AV games to last forever. Literally forever, because the losing side tended to be able to throw together the mats required to get reinforcements. The game would flip around, and then the other side would do the same thing. The games never ended.

I never liked the timers introduced later on. Blizzard didn’t say specifically but I believe they are using the earlier version without timers. I hated the timers… it made tactical play impossible… everything turned into a Zerg.

The GY positioning for the original AV gave the alliance a major advantage in every game, so Blizzard is using a version after the GYs were shifted to balance the map.

I would have liked to see Korak come back, but I can live without him.

So I’m giving a thumbs up to Blizzard here. We can still get epic AV games with what they will be giving us, and they will be more fun than the infinitely-long games with infinite reinforcements, and more fun than the zerg-fest that happened later on when the timers were introduced.


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[quote=“Brokenwind-malganis, post:60, topic:129471, full:true”]I am “grateful” of no such thing. :poop:socking russians have been dishing out the very same thing for years. My wallet doesn’t magically open like yours does each time blizzard spoons up the :poop:.

Rightio, well you won’t be missed when you’re still playing on your Russian server and crying about AV while we’re enjoying all the aspects of Classic, 1.12 or not.

Neutral on this one.

“all the aspects of classic”
Things that classic will have that PS devs have not been providing for over a decade:

  • loot trading
  • sharding
  • $15 a month fee

So much to miss out on. Truly you make a compelling case.

Of course they will not miss me. It is plain as day that those who left because the game became crap are not their target audience. Classic is simply a bandage they hope will stop the hemorrhaging subs.

What are you still doing here then?

thank you, next.

Fighting the good fight until classic releases and they pass the point of no return to change course. Why are YOU here?

I mean beyond attention seeking tardery.

Still waiting to hear what " all aspects of classic" will be missed.

And your posts are…what?

I’m here to express gratefulness and joy for a game that I’ve been looking forward to re-living for a long time now, because there are a lot of thankless whingers like you on this forum that want to complain about every single piece of news that is released. It’s people like you that no doubt shy Blizzard away from releasing updates.

It is also clear from your post history that you:
a) spend way too much time on this forum so no doubt unemployed with nothing better to do with your time; and
b) are an argumentative troll,
so I’m going to end my conversation with you here.

I may see you in Classic, and maybe I won’t. But I can assure you I will be there, irrespective of how much you whinge and complain on the forums about inconsequential matters.

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I can’t think of any meaningful way to say I appreciate that you made this post, so have a like.

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It’s funny how this thread has 1/10th the likes of the thread saying 1.12 AV is a huge mistake. Can’t really say “Vocal minority” on this issue.

That moment when you primarily play as pve and could care less about decisions made about pvp :sunglasses::triumph::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

“It wasn’t that much fun at all, was it?”

It was. And for people like quick matches, there are two other great BGs.

The concern is that AV will just be two armies running past each other like we have now. Looking through the patch notes, maybe 1.11 is the way to go? Hard to say as as my memory is hazy.

I am also pumped, but this is a bit of a downer.