I'm finally doing a superbloom without war mode on

Ahh I was wondering that too. Ok makes sense. I learned a long time ago, if you just flag up its dishonorable just to attack someone who is already but people dont care especially these days. Then again i’m surprise people even know you can just flag up without warmode.

Glad warmode exists, I don’t have to deal with wpvp exploiters/griefers that make themselves unkillable. Also tanks/healers.

Yeah, it doesn’t accomplish that. You can grief people at holiday events and run to the Stormwind wall when they fight back.

If you manage to run to Stormwind’s Walls from zones like the Emerald Dream… I think you have deserved … whatever it is you are trying to even imply.

Incorrect. Emerald Dream died during WoD, anyone that was part of that server knows that.

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Lol no it didn’t. It was pretty dead by the end of WoD but so was every server. People came back after WoD. It was alive and healthy until about halfway into BfA.

-Someone who was actually part of the server for the entire lifespan of said server.

Edit: It must’ve looked dead Horde-side because I was busy killing every Warsong Battalion and The Division member for stepping foot outside Orgrimmar. Those bodies leave an impression.


Clown take.

ED was killed when almost every military WPvP guild was forced off the server and moved to MG and WRA to avoid the players that invaded the server from Darkspear and Bleeding Hollow. ED got too big and it attracted the worst types of players this game has to offer (like the ones that don’t know why or how Emerald Dream was killed).

The rampant multiboxing from said players helped kill it, along with a complete disregard of the servers heritage. Don’t tell me some nonsense reason ED died, I was there. Once the RP guilds left, that server died. At least to anyone that actually played on that server previously.

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Lol it died to you apparently. I was still there until BfA as were the majority of long-term Alliance pvpers.

Agree that those lousy players made the server worse, but it was still an active server with an active wpvp scene until BfA.

The spirit of that server died. Address the multiboxing in WPvP, assuming you even know what I am talking about. I don’t think you even played ED back then, you certainly don’t appear to know the history of the server.

Sugar, I played from the day Em Dream opened. I’m sure if you were there, I’ve wiped the floor with you a few times.

Maybe I don’t know the guild drama, but I know I smeared enough of you back from my No Mercy Mafia days, Kingship of the East, Lionguard, etc.

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That sounds super un-fun. Glad there is a choice to opt out of warmode.

You do you though! Grats on the deaths, I suppose.



Return was the best WPvPer in that guild.

You strike me as a player, just cannon fodder.

Whatever you say sug. I’m sure you saw a lot of wpvp during your corpse runs.

Only happens in rested places like an inn. But in Valdrakkan and SW/Org you stay flagged for 5 minutes.

Again, you don’t even sound like you know anything about the server. You named a guild and I named a player from that guild.

You know about Emerald Dream and you used to WPvP a lot? Who used to pocket heal Return when he was out in the world killing people?

Lol why would I need to justify my knowledge to you? Who are you to be worth validating? Wpvp was alive and well into BfA. You can continue to say otherwise but Battlehammer still had parades, and Lionguard was still devouring Horde.

Huh, bizarre. Good to know though.

You don’t, I’m just telling you and everyone else that you don’t know what you are talking about.

Not true. The last time PvP was “alive and well” was when Horde and Alliance teamed up on the Timeless Isle to both camp and slaughter Warsong Battalion at the end of MoP. You know, that guy Himanshu that started one of the worst zerg guilds in the history of WoW.

One of the last hold outs. Who else has been active since MoP?

They were always a joke. Like level of a joke. Which is another thing, all race based guilds died out during WoD. WoD killed that server, and you never even addressed the rampant multiboxing that helped finish off WPvP at that time.

Warmode was the death knell of World PvP in WoW.

It turned every single PvP server in the game into a PvE server and with it removed the identity of many once great realms. Every realm as now as lifeless as the next, but people don’t complain about getting ganked on the forums so in Blizzards eyes its a W.

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Lol okay pup. Whatever makes you feel better about your “WoW server knowledge” rofl. I’m sure it’s very relevant in your day

Sorry pup, not sure where these “big boys” are. Keep lavishing us with your verrry important server knowledge.