I'm done with WoW. Any recommendations for a good palette cleanser?

Alright folks, I’m pretty much “done” with WoW for the time being.
Subscription runs out in a week or so, so I’m using what time I have left prodding around a bit.

No need to get into my frustrations with the game, it’s not worth it.
No, you can’t have my stuff. Don’t bother asking.

Anyhow, I am looking for a… “palette cleanser” of a game, something else to scrub the frustrations I’ve had brewing over WoW for the past while. Not really a replacement, but something that’ll be more of a… “reset”, then I can go onto whatever else from there.

Keeping this fairly open as far as recommendations go, I think too many parameters would probably just push the responses towards the my natural expectations.

The only requirement I’ll put forward is “No Endless Games”.
This functionally rules out other MMOs and online multiplayer games in general.
I don’t want to be chasing stuff forever, I want a definitive endpoint.

With that in mind… what game would you suggest as something to “reset the board” after moving on from WoW? Even if there’s some suggestions I probably won’t bother with, I’m curious to hear what people would recommend in this situation.

And if you’ve made it this far, thanks for your time.


In before “can I have your gold?”


I pre-empted that one:

And besides, I don’t have that much. Maybe 600k-ish across all characters. So (hopefully) just enough to renew my subscription via token for one month if the fancy strikes me, but not much else.


octopath traveler 2

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You’d be naive to assume we read every word. But other than that, I can’t help you sadly. Good luck.


Go outside, enjoy the holidays, watch anime, take up crafting IRL, talk to real people, play handheld games, go to work…so much to do outside WoW.


Don’t go outside, it’s hostile out there, unless you aren’t in a major city, then sure go outside.

Path of Exile 2 comes Dec. 6th.

I also recommend Terraria. The modding support for it is the best you will ever see in any video game, other than Project Zomboid or Factorio. It has it’s own entire game client for mods, everything is handled in game.

Satisfactory is another one. Highly recommend playing that with a couple friends who actually like to think and plan and not just fart around.


PoE 2 for sure.

That game is in hype over drive right now.

You can pay for EA now I think.

I wouldn’t though, just hang onto your cash and play something else.


Elder Scrolls Online. It does have an ending, there is a main story with a conclusion. Everything else is new game+ territory and its horizontal progression, unlike WoW all the expansions are meant to happen all around the same time you’re just taking different paths of the story.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 is my favorite kill giant monsters game, you can skip most of the story and go straight into monster mashing. You also get the feel of a mock party as you can have up to 3 NPC party members, one you create and two you recruit from other player’s creation.



helldivers 2


Elden Ring?? FFXIV? Idk

can i have ur gold pls

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If you want to try a relaxed cozy game for a while, try Palia. It’s still in beta, but free to play on Steam.


So. I’ve been seeing interesting things about swtor. They are getting ready to or just did. Not sure. Have a complete graphic update. Supposed to start actually investing in the story again. With the wow devs only caring about mythic players, ima give that a try. Haven’t played since… middle of legion?

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Whoops I didn’t see you posted “no endless games”. PoE can be endless but it does have a finality to it, more than WoW at least. It definitely is not designed to be played as one single character for an entire season.

PoE 2 you can stop after the campaign. It won’t have 5,000,000 league mechanics in it like the current game does.

Maybe an RPG with an ending. Diablo 4?


been there done it and I always come back to WOW ever since 2004. I have just accepted I am addicted and have no interest in another POS MMO. I have tried all of them FF, Guild wars, ESO, LOTR, wildstar< would still play if it didn’t die, and swotor… I always come back to wow so I will never complain about how bad WOW has become and just suffer and play it in silence. O and F diablo series, I have ADHD and a dungeon crawler game is horrible at least Diablo series sucks and that is all on the devs . O baulder gate 3 I played and jeez you could stay in just the starter zone of that game for years, its a good game but again I dont have the motivation to start a new MMO for me.

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Darkest Dungeon is a good one. It’s not endless but boy it sure will feel endless when you’re new to it.

it wasn’t perfect, but I really enjoyed Palworld.


Lies of P is a good choice. it’s not small, but it’s not unending. And the lore is really good.


Been hearing good things about that one for a while, perhaps I should give it a closer look. Thanks for the suggestion.

Too cold. Staying inside as much as possible.
Also been stuck outside for work recently.

Plan to.

… well, I do enjoy some miniature model work, and building models in general. Definitely on the list.

Took a look… not my cup of tea, by the looks of it. Still an interesting story behind the development of it, genre enthusiasts taking things into their own hands when the broader industry drops the ball.

I’ll need to look at that one more, but could have some interest there.

Seems interesting, definitely quite different.

That’s been a curiosity on my end for a while, though I dabbled years ago. I’m not sure it’s really an MMO anymore? I’d be curious for the story more than anything.

And to everyone who has responded, thanks for all the suggestions so far.

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