I'm done with this snoozefest

I hope you aren’t in charge of your own finances irl.


In TBC when I hit 70 I had 900g left after buying some gear and training. It took me about 3 weeks of playing about 4 hrs a week to earn the remaining 600 for basic flight.

It wasn’t that hard and by the time I started raiding I had earned another 400 just from dungeons and farming.

Everyone in my all of my guilds (on then-3 servers now 6) had flight either when they dinged 70 or within a pretty short period after, depending on how much they played.

It wasn’t that difficult to earn gold then. In fact, in WOLTK by the time I dinged 80 and could buy CWF, I already had the gold.


thank you for confirming what i’ve been attempting to explain.

there is no way the person trying to argue about it was able to buy their riding skills for regular riding, fast riding, and basic flight, simply from questing to 70.

meanwhile, i’m being told to go check out illegal servers.
i don’t need to.
it’s easy enough to log into classic and see how many characters are level 43 and still walking… and how few level 60 characters have obtained their epic mounts.

LOL. I did no such thing. I elected to spend my money on stuff other than flight straightaway. And it didn’t take me long to earn back what I spent on gear (mostly for alts, some for twinks) and training.

4 hours a week is nothing compared to what some people spend in-game. If you got the impression that I was confirming your claim that it was oh so hard to earn gold in TBC, you need a reading comprehension course.

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you did, you just didn’t intend to.

the amount of time spent in game, doesn’t make any difference to how much you make while leveling.

nope… you straight up confirmed what i was saying.
Unless gold was coming from another source, there was no way to quest from 1 to 70, while having enough gold to buy each riding skill as it became available.

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Well it is evident that up is down in your world so I can see how you misinterpreted.


He’s right though. In Classic, if you aren’t being conservative and doing extra things to make gold you won’t be able to afford your mount at 40, and it requires a lot of gold grinding to earn your epic mount. I vendored skins (AH was basically vendor value) that I got from beasts, spent time grinding mobs for raw gold, and had enough purely because I did that. I didn’t just quest - I actually spent two levels grinding for the gold.

In TBC it was the same way. It wasn’t as bad but it still required you to penny pinch. You certainly couldn’t afford basic flight at 70 right as you hit it.


Are you suggesting that purely cosmetic unlocks or QoL unlocks not being gated behind stupid time gated trickle grinds is creating bad players?

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apparently races aren’t “purely cosmetic” because… racials.

Can we stop with this garbage? There’s a world of difference between turning my brain off and knocking out a rep over a weekend or two vs logging in for 15 minutes every day for 3 weeks to do busy work.

If people were actually able to grind the rep instead of it being drip fed over the course of a month I doubt there’d be near as much complaining about it.


Gotta agree with you here. If you want to lock rewards behind exalted rep then give me content that lasts till Exalted. Having it just be a pointless grind, a time gated grind no less, is just frustrating. You do all this heroic stuff and by the time you’re done you’re “friendly” like gtfo blizzard.

If reps were like in WotLK where I could throw on a tabard and run dungeons till my hearts content that would be one thing. But restricting rep grind behind DAILY LIMITS in a stage of the game where none of this is even relevant anymore. Timegates only make sense at the start of a patch so people don’t get too far ahead. Not when the content is several patches old and 90% of the playerbase that is still stubbed has already finished it ages ago.

You have never been able to get from Friendly/Honored to Exalted in a weekend with dailies. Ever. It was logging in every day for a couple weeks to do it.

With a tabard, like in Wrath and Cata? Yep, you could (hence why I said I missed them and wished we could go back to them).

However, in BC, Mists, WoD, and Legion, it was always weeks of dailies/WQs.

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Dailies combined with mobs/turn ins, yes. But the exact number of weekends is less important than the fact that should I so desire I could spend 20 hours over 2 days and make the same progress as someone who did 20 hours over 5. I had the choice to do things when I wanted and had time to do them rather than having to log in every day or “lose” that days progress.

To this day I can go back and grind out most of the older reps up until the end of cataclysm without turning in a single daily. Or at least the ones I can remember anyway, I’m not as young as I used to be.


because having people afk their way to rep gains was an awesome system. :roll_eyes:
…especially when people were getting kicked so often that they become immune from being kicked.

God who cares. If you’re designing a game to punish people over “what ifs” of a small insignificant minority you’re going to end up with a crap game.


You didn’t answer my question. Are you suggesting that having AR unlocks, with racials (LOL) unlocked without silly trickle feed time gated grinds or having QoL features like flight locked behind trickle feed time gated grinds creates better players?

That’s what it sounds like you are saying unless I am missing something?


Can I tell you a secret? This game still sucks and regardless of the race you play, it won’t make you happy. Just realize this and quit already.


Of course you can. Most people do. And you can also take up skinning and herbing, vendor all the low level mats and AH the mid to high level mats. You also sell cloth instead of vendoring it.

I didn’t switch from skinning to alch until I was around level 65. Alchemy is lucrative at max level but it takes a bit of gold to level it up, so I didn’t really work on it until I got my flying. I knew how much flying was and I made sure I had enough. Simple.

First of all there’s nothing illegal about playing on a private server. Nothing. Violating Blizzard’s EULA or TOS isn’t going to land you in jail, no more than violating their EULA and telling someone to f off will. Whether or not hosting a private server is violating copyright law depends on what country you’re operating from.

“Illegal server” is just another piece of misinformation you heard and like to repeat.

Secondly Vanilla is an entirely different beast. Quests don’t start giving out decent rewards until mid level. Vanilla was entirely insulated and there wasn’t another area waiting with better gear and consumables.

Crafting is very relevant all throughout Vanilla. Some crafted gear is BIS through BWL. Professions are also expensive to level. So if you’re a tailor, for example, you’re not going to be vendoring or selling that cloth on the AH. You’re going to use it to level your profession because you need to. You want those Robes of the Archmage. In BC, what are you going to need that for? Questing greens and dungeon blues will get you through leveling just fine.

In Classic I got my mount as soon as I hit 40 but my main is a mage. And of course a slow mount is no problem for a lock. I got my epic mount a week or so after hitting 60, but again, I was a mage. If I had played a hunter I probably wouldn’t have had my first mount until level 43 or 44. God knows when I would have had enough for an epic.

Don’t forget that in Classic everyone started playing at the same time on huge mega servers. The economy was completely scuffed and playing the AH was nearly impossible. The economy in Vanilla played out very differently than the economy in Classic.


In TBC I got exalted with Aldor in a day. And yes, it was a long day but it’s how I wanted to do it. I went to death’s door and farmed armaments and marks.

In early WoW there was usually an alternative way to farm rep. The relic of ulduar for Hodir, eggs for Netherwing, marks for Aldor or Scyers, tabards and so on.


Well in my area Comcast shot through the roof so I said enough is enough and cut out their cable service. Looks like I’ll be on the game a lot more now because I’d rather pay a $15 sub than pay a $130 monthly bill to Comcast. So I guess the grind will be a non-issue for me now.